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Showing 108 publications about Public sector of type Consultation analysis or Consultation paper

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  1. Fire and rescue framework: consultation

    We are seeking your views on the next Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland.

  2. Consumer duty for public bodies: consultation

    This consultation is to help focus and support the delivery of a duty on specified public authorities to consider the impact of their policies on consumers.

  3. National guidance for child protection 2021: consultation report

    This report shows the results of the public consultation on the revised national guidance for child protection in Scotland, and our response to the results.

  4. A National Care Service for Scotland consultation: easy read

    An easy read version of the National Care Service consultation paper.

    Part of:
    National Care Service
  5. Local food for everyone – a discussion: consultation

    Everyone, from private individuals to businesses and organisations are invited to help shape a local food strategy for Scotland. This consultation is the first stage in a strategy to make high quality food accessible to all and promote the benefits of local food.

  6. Use and sale of fireworks, and tackling the misuse of pyrotechnics: consultation

    We are seeking your views on changes to how fireworks can be sold and used in Scotland and the use of pyrotechnic devices.

  7. Cleaner air for Scotland review: consultation analysis

    Analysis of responses to the consultation on a draft new air quality strategy for Scotland.

  8. National Islands Plan through a COVID Lens: survey results

    Summary of key findings after the six main local authorities with islands were invited to consider the impact of the (COVID-19) pandemic on the delivery of National Island Plan commitments and how these should be prioritised going forward.

  9. Modifying local connection referrals - Ministerial statement: consultation analysis

    Analysis report of responses received to the consultation on a Ministerial statement for modifying local connection referrals in Scotland.

  10. Public authorities sharing data - further consultation: response analysis

    Analysis of responses to the further consultation which sought views on a list of additional Scottish bodies that the Scottish Government is considering adding to Schedule 7 (debt powers) and Schedule 8 (fraud powers) of the Digital Economy Act 2017.

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