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Showing 621 to 631 of 3141 results

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  1. Welfare of laying hens and pullets: guidance

    Guidance about the needs of laying hens and pullets and how to meet these needs in accordance with good practice.

  2. Autumn Statement - Scottish Government priorities: Deputy First Minister statement

    Statement to the Scottish Parliament by Deputy First Minister Shona Robison

  3. Breakdown of figures for future offshore wind and wholesale electricity prices: EIR release

    Information request and response under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004

  4. Reduced VAT for Scottish tourism and hospitality: letter to UK Government

    Letter from Small Business Minister to the UK Government calling for a reduction in VAT for Scotland's tourism and hospitality sector ahead of the autumn budget statement.

  5. Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill: fairer Scotland duty - screening

    Fairer Scotland Duty impact assessment screening for the Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill which declares that a full assessment is not required.

  6. Fair Start Scotland - evaluation report 5: qualitative interviews with service participants - years 4 and 5 - November 2023

    Part of a series of reports on the evaluation of Fair Start Scotland (FSS) employability service. The report presents findings from a series of qualitative interviews with FSS participants. The report covers years 4 and 5 (April 2021 to March 2023) of FSS delivery.

  7. Fair Start Scotland - evaluation report 5: participant phone survey - years 4 and 5 - November 2023

    Part of a series of reports on the evaluation of Fair Start Scotland (FSS) employability service. The report presents findings from a representative phone survey with FSS participants. The report covers years 4 and 5 (April 2021 to March 2023) of FSS delivery.

  8. Labour Market Trends: November 2023

    Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity trends, sourced from the Labour Force Survey for Scotland and the UK.

    Part of:
    Labour market statistics
  9. Mental Health Moratorium: consultation

    The Bankruptcy and Diligence (Scotland) Bill contains powers which would allow Scottish Ministers to create a Mental Health Moratorium. This would protect people with serious mental health issues from debt recovery action. We are seeking views on the proposed process for a Mental Health Moratorium.

  10. BICS weighted Scotland estimates: data to wave 94

    Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) weighted Scotland estimates containing data to wave 94

    Part of:
    Business and innovation statistics
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