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  1. Fiscal Framework Review: Independent Report

    An independent report to consider the Block Grant Adjustment arrangements commissioned by Scottish Government and HM Treasury in June 2022, written by Professor David Bell (University of Stirling), David Eiser (formerly University of Strathclyde) and David Phillips (Institute for Fiscal Studies).

  2. Fiscal Framework: Scottish Government's Evidence to the Independent Report

    Scottish’s Government evidence as submitted to the call for stakeholder input to the Independent Report commissioned by Scottish Government and HM Treasury in June 2022 and written by Professor David Bell, David Eiser and David Phillips.

  3. Fiscal framework: agreement between the Scottish and UK Governments

    The updated agreement between the Scottish Government and the United Kingdom government on the Scottish Government's fiscal framework following the 2023 Fiscal Framework Review.

  4. Fiscal Framework Review - joint agreement between Scottish and UK Governments: 20 July 2023

    A joint communique between the Scottish and UK governments on agreement of the review of the Scottish Government's Fiscal Framework.

  5. Small Producers Pilot Fund Steering Group minutes: May 2023

    Minutes from meeting held on 30 May 2023.

  6. Scottish City Region and Growth Deal Delivery Board minutes: May 2023

    Minutes from the meeting of the Scottish City Region and Growth Deal Delivery Board on 31 May 2023.

  7. Convention of the Highlands and Islands minutes: March 2022

    Minutes from the meeting of the group on 21 March 2022.

  8. Convention of the Highlands and Islands minutes: March 2023

    Minutes from the meeting of the group on 27 March 2023.

  9. Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) from Modern Apprenticeships: 2020-21: Scotland

    The Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) from Modern Apprenticeships (MAs): 2020/21: Scotland release provides earnings information for those who completed MAs in Scotland, split by characteristics of individuals, such as level of qualification, sex, age, occupation, and SIMD quintile.

    Part of:
    Colleges, universities and young people in training: statistics
  10. Scottish consumer sentiment indicator: 2023 Quarter 2

    The latest results for consumer sentiment in Scotland based on a quarterly survey of households’ current sentiment and future expectations of economic performance, household finances and attitudes to spending.

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