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Showing all 38122 publications

  1. Understanding extremism in Scotland: public perceptions and experiences

    Findings from research exploring public understandings and experiences of extremism in Scotland.

  2. Understanding extremism in Scotland: public sector practitioner perceptions and views

    Findings from research exploring public sector practitioner understandings and experiences of extremism in Scotland.

  3. Understanding extremism in Scotland: research findings

    A report summarising initial findings from a programme of research that is being developed by the Scottish Government to improve understanding of extremism and prevent delivery in Scotland.

  4. Understanding extremism in Scotland: research findings - summary

    A report summarising initial findings from a programme of research that is being developed by the Scottish Government to improve understanding of extremism and Prevent delivery in Scotland.

  5. Understanding extremism in Scotland: review of definitions and terminology

    A report which reviews definitions of extremism used by governments in countries other than Scotland.

  6. Understanding extremism in Scotland: stakeholder perceptions and views

    Findings from research exploring stakeholder understandings of and perspectives on extremism and Prevent delivery in Scotland.

  7. Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics: annual update 2022-2023

    The annual update of Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics for 2022-23. This includes annual statistics on Community Care Grants and Crisis grants from 2013, as well as quarterly breakdowns from 2018.

    Part of:
    Scottish Government Social Security Statistics Publications
  8. Age of Criminal Responsibility Advisory Group minutes: February 2023

    Minutes of the Age of Criminal Responsibility Advisory Group on 21 February 2023.

  9. Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan minutes: May 2023

    Minutes of the meeting of the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans sub group, held in May 2023.

  10. Asulam correspondence: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

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