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Showing all 38122 publications

  1. Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill: equality impact assessment

    This impact assessment is an enabler which helps us in improving outcomes, transparency and accountability. The results of the equality impact assessment process for the Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill is an ongoing process and will be reviewed as the policy develops.

  2. Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill: island communities impact assessment screening

    Records the rationale and decision taken not to carry out an island communities impact assessment for the Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill.

  3. Transport Minister resignation letters

    Letters between Kevin Stewart and the First Minister.

  4. Scottish Languages Bill (Gaelic) - Gaelic and Scots commitments: consultation analysis

    'S e an sgrìobhann seo mìneachadh bho thaobh muigh an Riaghaltais den cho-chomhairleachadh a chaidh a chumail air Gàidhlig, Albais is Bile nan Cànan Albannach.

  5. Scottish Languages Bill (Scots version) - Gaelic and Scots commitments: consultation analysis

    External analysis o responses submittit tae the Scots Government's consultation on Gaelic, Scots and a Scots Languages Bill.

  6. Scottish Languages Bill - Gaelic and Scots commitments: consultation analysis

    External analysis of the responses submitted to the Scottish Government's consultation on Gaelic, Scots and a Scottish Languages Bill.

  7. National Audiology Review Group minutes: March 2023

    Minutes from the meeting of the group on 21 March 2023.

  8. UK Covid Inquiry: privacy notice

    Privacy notice detailing how we apply data protection principles when processing personal data in the course of providing information to the UK Coronavirus Public Inquiry.

  9. Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry information: privacy notice

    Privacy notice detailing how we apply data protection principles when processing personal data in the course of providing information to the Scottish Coronavirus Public Inquiry.

  10. Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment Group minutes: February 2023

    Minutes from the meeting of the group on 23 February 2023.

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