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Showing 1564 publications of type Consultation paper or Consultation analysis

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  1. Draft Environmental Protection (Single-use Vapes) (Scotland) Regulations 2024: consultation

    Comment on draft regulations to implement a ban on single-use vapes.

  2. Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) – proposed register changes: consultation analysis

    This analysis follows our consultation on proposed changes to the SSSC Register, where we asked questions around reducing the number of Register parts from 23 to 4, reducing qualification timescales from 6 months to 3, and, including more information on the public facing Register.

  3. Licensing of activities involving animals: consultation response analysis

    Analysis of the responses received to the public consultation, between 4 July 2023 and 26 September 2023, on the potential future licensing of a range of animal-related activities.

  4. Alcohol - Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) - continuation and future pricing consultation: Scottish Government response

    Scottish Government response to the public consultation analysis and decision on whether Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) should be continued as part of the range of policy measures in place to address alcohol related harm.

  5. Alcohol - Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) - continuation and future pricing: consultation analysis

    Analysis of responses to the public consultation on whether Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) should be continued as part of the range of policy measures in place to address alcohol related harm, and, in the event of its continuation, the level the minimum unit price should be set going forward.

  6. Building warrant fees: consultation analysis

    Analysis of responses from our 2023 consultation on building warrant fees.

  7. Building warrant fees: consultation outcome report

    Report on the outcomes of our 2023 building warrant fees consultation.

  8. NHSScotland 'Once for Scotland' workforce policies: consultation

    The NHSScotland 'Once for Scotland' Workforce policies programme is designed to review and transform existing workforce policies (previously known as Partnership Information Network (PIN) Policies). This consultation focuses on 8 refreshed workforce policies.

  9. Co-chomhairle air Sgìrean Mara Fìor -ghlèidhte (HPMAan) Geàrr-chunntas air Freagairt Riaghaltas na h-Alba dhan Cho-chomhairle

    Gaelic language translation of our executive summary response to the public consultation on the proposal to designate 10% of Scottish seas as Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) by 2026.

  10. Sgìrean Mara Fìorghlèidhte (HPMAan): Anailis freagairtean co-chomhairle Geàrr-chunntas

    Gaelic language translation of the analysis report executive summary on the responses to the consultation on Scottish Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) which ran from 12 December 2022 to 17 April 2023.

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