
About GDP

Background information and guidance on the Scottish Government's quarterly gross domestic product (GDP).

In order to maintain the accuracy of our GDP estimates and to ensure our figures continue to be comparable to other countries we regularly make revisions to the second estimate of our data. The first estimate does not include revisions to quarters in the previous second estimate of GDP.

For most publications revisions will tend to be minor (usually to include improved data sources or new data). Our August second estimate follows the publication of the Scottish Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables. We take this opportunity each year to implement any methodological improvements to the Scottish estimates.

Revisions also occur as a result of another major publication - the UK Blue Book - which is published each year in July or October.


If you have any questions about this site, please contact the National Accounts Unit as follows:

Phone: Sandy Stewart - Statistician (Head of Unit) - 0131 244 2825



National Accounts Unit
Office of the Chief Economic Adviser
Room 4WR
St Andrew's House
Regent Road
Edinburgh, EH1 3DG

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