
Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables

Information on the Supply, Use and Analytical Input-Output Tables produced by the Scottish Government.

What is Input-Output?

The Input-Output framework of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) consists of three types of tables:

  • Supply Tables
  • Use Tables
  • Symmetric Input-Output Tables

The tables provide a complete picture of the flows of goods and services (products) in the Scottish onshore* economy for a given year. They detail the relationship between producers and consumers and the interdependencies of industries.

Download the latest tables here.

Supply and Use Tables are constructed directly from survey and other data sources. The Supply Table provides estimates of the output of a large number of differentiated products by each industry and the Use Table provides estimates of the inputs (of products) used by each industry to produce their own output.

The Supply and Use Tables are the basic building blocks; all other Input-Output analyses are derived from them.

Symmetric Tables (a.k.a. the Analytical Tables) represent the modelling aspect of the Input-Output framework. The Scottish Government produces annual Industry by Industry, Product by Product and Leontief Inverse Analytical Tables.

* An offshore satellite account is in development and available as part of the Satellite Accounts for Extra-Regio Activities


The latest tables were constructed by the Input-Output statistics branch of the Office of the Chief Economic Adviser: Stevan Croasdale, Gary Campbell and Jay Ware.

Acknowledgements are also due to our colleagues in the Office for National Statistics and the Input-Output Expert User Group.


Please contact the Input-Output team directly if you have any questions about the tables or require any help in using them.

Stevan Croasdale
+44(0)131 244 3330

Gary Campbell
+44(0)131 244 3767

Jay Ware
+44(0)131 528 5690

We are especially interested in any work that you may be doing that uses any of the Supply, Use or Input-Output data. We would also be interested in any feedback concerning the layout and content of this web site or any other suggestions that you have.

Generic Email:

Telephone: +44 (0)131 244 3330

The Scottish Government Input-Output team
Room 4WR
St. Andrew's House
Regent Road

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