
Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables

Information on the Supply, Use and Analytical Input-Output Tables produced by the Scottish Government.

Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2021

Published on 11th December 2024, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2021. They are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and are available in the latest tables section of this site. Where possible the tables are also consistent with UK Blue Book 2023 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Economic Activity.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Please note that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic led to challenges in the collecting and processing of the many data sources that underlie the Supply and Use Tables, as well as leading to large impacts on structures and behaviours within the economy. As a result, estimates for 2020 and 2021 are subject to more uncertainty than usual.

Due to the large structural changes and behaviours, unless the intention is to specifically model the economic impacts within the 2020 or 2021 pandemic years, it is strongly recommended that the 2019 model of the economy and associated multipliers are used as a proxy for post pandemic impact modelling. 

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the Gross Value Added (GVA) figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Economic Activity published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the latest available being published in April 2024. Please note that, following advice from ONS these are the 'balanced estimate' of regional gross value added (GVA(B)). For more information please see the ONS Regional Accounts bulletin.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (balanced approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Programme, quarterly GDP(O) systems and the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2023 consistent Regional Economic Activity.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with Regional Economic Activity for Scotland can be seen below under 'Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007'. Also note that at the December 2018 Meeting of the Input-Output Expert User Group, it was agreed to continue to constrain to the 31 sector level GVA(B). The specific Regional Accounts data used utilise the income component detail to allow finer allocation to the published 98 industry Input-Output industry groups. As a result, there will be further slight differences as a result of the statistical discrepancy between the income approach measure of GVA and the balanced measure. For more information please see Regional gross value added (balanced) per head and income components.

Difference between ONS regional 'balanced' raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -436 -401 -530 -637 -764 -701 -476 -539
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -265 -297 -333 -318 -209 -176 -62 -139
Regional Accounts GVA 69,964 70,989 73,870 78,199 81,334 86,146 91,812 97,287
Scottish Use Table GVA 69,258 70,292 73,012 77,239 80,369 85,273 91,273 96,606
Regional Accounts Category 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -763 -734 -758 -782 -306 -488 -281 -252
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -211 -173 -241 -252 -202 -272 -66 -13
Regional Accounts GVA 103,794 108,057 113,183 112,751 112,671 115,517 119,099 124,465
Scottish Use Table GVA 102,821 107,158 112,186 111,715 112,160 114,757 118,757 124,199
Regional Accounts Category 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -564 -365 -260 -152 -45 -243 -219 -373
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc 61 31 87 104 5 -131 -335 -406
Regional Accounts GVA 130,302 131,815 133,982 140,540 143,342 148,903 140,723 151,495
Scottish Use Table GVA 129,802 131,489 133,810 140,490 143,290 148,527 140,179 150,706

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Large upward revisions in  Regional Accounts data in most years not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2020 tables.

Scottish IO Team
December 2024

Correction of the Product by Product Table for Scotland 1998-2020

An error in the production of the Product by Product Table has been identified. This affects the Product by Product Table only.

The Corrected tables are now available in the downloads section. The Input-Output Team apologises for any inconvenience caused.

Scottish I-O Team
January 17th, 2024

Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2020

Published on 29th November 2023, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2020. They are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and are available in the latest tables section of this site. Where possible the tables are also consistent with UK Blue Book 2022 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Economic Activity.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Please note that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic led to challenges in the collecting and processing of the many data sources that underlie the Supply and Use Tables, as well as leading to large impacts on structures and behaviours within the economy. As a result, estimates for 2020 are subject to more uncertainty than usual.

Due to the large structural changes and behaviours, unless the intention is to specifically model the economic impacts within the 2020 pandemic year, it is strongly recommended that the 2019 model of the economy and associated multipliers are used as a proxy for post pandemic impact modelling. 

Gross Fixed Capital Formation

Double counting in an unrounded version of the 1998-2019 UK SUT GFCF table 4 led to an overestimation of Scottish GFCF in the 1998-2019 Use table published in October 2022. Following the withdrawal of the 1998-2020 UK SUT GFCF table 4, and after discussion with ONS, a corrected version of the 1998-2019 UK GFCF table 4 that is consistent with the published rounded version has been used for the current Scottish GFCF estimate.

Additional Tables, GVA at current basic prices and GVA weights

Following a user request, additional tables showing estimates of GVA at current basic prices and GVA weights by industry have been added to the latest tables.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the Gross Value Added (GVA) figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Economic Activity published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the latest available being published in April 2023. Please note that, following advice from ONS these are the 'balanced estimate' of regional gross value added (GVA(B)). For more information please see the ONS Regional Accounts bulletin.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (balanced approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Programme, quarterly GDP(O) systems and the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2022 consistent Regional Economic Activity.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with Regional Economic Activity for Scotland can be seen below under 'Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007'. Also note that at the December 2018 Meeting of the Input-Output Expert User Group, it was agreed to continue to constrain to the 31 sector level GVA(B). The specific Regional Accounts data used utilise the income component detail to allow finer allocation to the published 98 industry Input-Output industry groups. As a result, there will be further slight differences as a result of the statistical discrepancy between the income approach measure of GVA and the balanced measure. For more information please see Regional gross value added (balanced) per head and income components.

Difference between ONS regional 'balanced' raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -463 -427 -564 -673 -798 -736 -514 -565
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -262 -294 -331 -314 -207 -174 -58 -134
Regional Accounts GVA 70,202 71,263 74,125 78,261 81,561 86,495 91,902 97,410
Scottish Use Table GVA 69,494 70,561 73,244 77,303 80,601 85,646 91,388 96,766
Regional Accounts Category 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -794 -761 -770 -800 -341 -506 -301 -269
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -211 -172 -241 -251 -203 -265 -52 8
Regional Accounts GVA 103,896 108,098 113,494 113,069 113,002 115,606 118,918 124,441
Scottish Use Table GVA 102,917 107,210 112,504 111,770 112,494 114,908 118,666 124,245
Regional Accounts Category 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020  
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -586 -386 -278 -167 -59 -232 -131  
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc 85 58 116 134 35 -41 -179  
Regional Accounts GVA 130,110 131,918 134,120 140,319 143,340 148,190 140,308  
Scottish Use Table GVA 129,662 131,656 134,032 140,365 143,410 148,002 140,093  

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Large upward revisions in  Regional Accounts data in most years not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2019 tables.

Scottish IO Team
November 2023

Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2019

Published on 26th October 2022, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2019. They are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and are available in the latest tables section of this site. Where possible the tables are also consistent with UK Blue Book 2021 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Economic Activity.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the Gross Value Added (GVA) figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Economic Activity published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the latest available being published in May 2022. Please note that, following advice from ONS these are the 'balanced estimate' of regional gross value added (GVA(B)). For more information please see the ONS Regional Accounts bulletin.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (balanced approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Project, quarterly GDP(O) systems and the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2021 consistent Regional Economic Activity.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with Regional Economic Activity for Scotland can be seen below under 'Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007'. Also note that at the December 2018 Meeting of the Input-Output Expert User Group, it was agreed to continue to constrain to the 31 sector level GVA(B).

Difference between ONS regional 'balanced' raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -499 -468 -601 -698 -825 -771 -564 -561
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -263 -297 -333 -313 -207 -175 -59 -133
Regional Accounts GVA 70,000 70,939 73,642 77,634 81,121 86,166 91,535 97,144
Scottish Use Table GVA 69,231 70,166 72,708 76,626 80,092 85,228 90,914 96,455
Regional Accounts Category 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -859 -767 -777 -818 -359 -523 -316 -279
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -219 -172 -244 -260 -210 -271 -55  
Regional Accounts GVA 103,869 108,262 113,353 113,060 112,628 115,659 119,290 125,070
Scottish Use Table GVA 102,788 107,333 112,333 111,986 112,055 114,867 118,921 124,795
Regional Accounts Category 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019    
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -590 -390 -242 -145 -51 -187    
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc 83 58 113 129 52 16    
Regional Accounts GVA 130,714 132,647 135,132 141,035 144,315 149,061    
Scottish Use Table GVA 130,207 132,321 135,000 141,027 144,322 148,887    

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Large upward revisions in  Regional Accounts data in most years not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2018 Tables.

Scottish IO Team
October 2022


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2018

Published on 17th November 2021, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2018. They are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and are available in the latest tables section of this site. Where possible the tables are also consistent with UK Blue Book 2020 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Economic Activity.

Presentational changes

Additional Table - Imports Detail

Following a user request, estimates of the non-domestic spending by Scottish residents whilst in the Rest of the UK and Rest of the World have been split out of the Rest of UK and Rest of World Imports columns of the Supply Table. This split enables the identification of spending by Scottish residents outside of Scotland. An additional table has been added to the latest tables that splits these imports column out.

Note that these estimates are derived from raw data splits of non-domestic spending by Scottish residents in the rest of the UK and the rest of the World applied to the balanced Imports columns in the published Supply Table.

Methodological changes

Purchase Survey

These are the first set of Scottish Tables to incorporate data from the ONS Annual Purchases Survey. Industry purchase patterns may have changed from those seen in previous publications.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the Gross Value Added (GVA) figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Economic Activity published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the latest available being published in May 2021. Please note that, following advice from ONS these are the 'balanced estimate' of regional gross value added (GVA(B)). For more information please see the ONS Regional Accounts bulletin.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (balanced approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Project, quarterly GDP(O) systems and the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2020 consistent Regional Economic Activity.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with Regional Economic Activity for Scotland can be seen below under 'Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007'. Also note that at the December 2018 Meeting of the Input-Output Expert User Group, it was agreed to continue to constrain to the 31 sector level GVA(B).

Difference between ONS regional 'balanced' raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -506 -474 -612 -710 -840 -787 -579 -576
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -262 -296 -336 -316 -210 -179 -60 -137
Regional Accounts GVA 70,108 70,961 73,630 77,468 81,065 86,028 91,212 96,731
Scottish Use Table GVA 69,338 70,190 72,685 76,434 80,021 85,062 90,577 96,020
Regional Accounts Category 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -880 -783 -798 -835 -335 -502 -297 -258
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -222 -173 -247 -257 -212 -269 -56  
Regional Accounts GVA 103,507 107,847 112,645 112,489 112,250 115,092 118,663 124,128
Scottish Use Table GVA 102,399 106,893 111,607 111,395 111,701 114,321 118,303 123,867
Regional Accounts Category 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018      
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -558 -407 -188 158 192      
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc 79 56 115 133 63      
Regional Accounts GVA 129,720 131,546 133,591 138,832 142,368      
Scottish Use Table GVA 129,241 131,199 133,516 139,128 142,626      

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Large upward revisions in  Regional Accounts data in most years not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

D: Electricity, gas etc.
Latest (balanced) Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish Tables in most years. Previous adjustment to 1998 no longer required.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2017 Tables.

Scottish IO Team
November 2021


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2017

Published on 9th September 2020, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2017. They are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and are available in the latest tables section of this site. Where possible the tables are also consistent with UK Blue Book 2019 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Economic Activity.

Methodological changes

Purchase Survey

Note that unlike the UK we have yet to incorporate data from the Purchases Survey as more time is needed to develop our systems and evaluate the results at the Scotland level. In the meantime, we have retained the industry purchase patterns used in the previous publication.

Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HHFCE)

The starting point for this column is a regional split of ONS published UK Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HHFCE) produced by colleagues working on the Scottish National Accounts Programme (SNAP). The latest UK IO publication (table 3) incorporates some significant changes in HHFCE (including non-residents’ expenditure). The most noticeable changes relate to the split of spending between transport services (air, rail, water and other land transport) and travel and related services. Travel and related services have a much bigger share of the transport and travel combined spend than was the case in previous years’ Blue Book publications.

Margin factors

Improved estimates of margin ratios from ONS have been used for the the calculation of margins.

Correction to employment effects and multipliers in 2008 and 2009

A double counting issue affecting the employment estimates used to construct the employment effects and multipliers for 2008 and 2009 has been corrected. Other years are unaffected.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the Gross Value Added (GVA) figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Economic Activity published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the latest available being published in December 2019. Please note that, following advice from ONS these are the 'balanced estimate' of regional gross value added (GVA(B)). For more information please see the ONS Regional Accounts bulletin.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (balanced approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Project, quarterly GDP(O) systems and the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2019 consistent Regional Economic Activity.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with Regional Economic Activity for Scotland can be seen below under 'Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007'. Also note that at the December 2018 Meeting of the Input-Output Expert User Group, it was agreed to continue to constrain to the 31 sector level GVA(B).

Difference between ONS regional 'balanced' raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -571 -587 -674 -891 -863 -781 -715 -668
D: Electricity, gas etc -484              
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -300 -337 -396 -374 -261 -237 -112 -187
Regional Accounts GVA 70,184 71,040 73,716 77,686 81,323 86,052 91,454 96,909
Scottish Use Table GVA 68,828 70,124 72,642 76,427 80,209 85,032 90,627 96,059
Regional Accounts Category 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -894 -837 -743 -853 -422 -385 -374 -296
D: Electricity, gas etc                
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -251 -213 -309 -335 -282 -350 -111 -52
Regional Accounts GVA 103,631 107,908 112,428 112,215 111,740 114,867 118,477 124,053
Scottish Use Table GVA 102,489 106,868 111,379 111,034 111,035 114,131 117,995 123,703
Regional Accounts Category 2014 2015 2016 2017        
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -349 -277 -288 -172        
D: Electricity, gas etc                
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc 22 -7   53        
Regional Accounts GVA 129,444 130,811 133,553 138,152        
Scottish Use Table GVA 129,123 130,528 133,268 138,026        

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Large upward revisions in  Regional Accounts data in most years not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment
Adjusted in previous years because ABS and other data sources suggest some deviation from Regional Accounts estimates were required for 2003 and 2009. Latest (balanced) Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish Tables. 

D: Electricity, gas etc.
Latest (balanced) Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish Tables in most years. Continuing to adjust 1998 to previously published levels.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2016 Tables.

Scottish IO Team
September 2020


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2016

Published on 24th July 2019, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2016. They are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and are available in the latest tables section of this site. Where possible the tables are also consistent with UK Blue Book 2018 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Accounts estimates.

Presentational changes

Additional Table - Exports Detail

Following a user request, estimates of the non-resident spending in Scotland column of the Use Table has been split into non-residents from the Rest of the UK and from the Rest of the World. This split enables the calculation of total Exports to the Rest of the UK, and separately, to the Rest of the World. An additional table has been added to the latest tables that splits this exports column out.

Please note that these estimates are derived from raw data non-resident Rest of the UK and Rest of the World spending splits applied to the single balanced non-resident spending column in the published Use Table. As such it is not possible to derive a Rest of the UK or Rest of the World split for the Industry by Industry or Product by Product Input-Output Tables.

Methodological changes

Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HHFCE)

There has been a review of the data sources, methods and previous balancing adjustments for HHFCE and tourist expenditure data. These changes have resulted in revisions to some products in all years back to 1998. This review has been made in preparation for the use of boosted sample Living Costs and Food Survey data from 2017-onwards.

Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

This year we have moved away from using the top-down ONS Regional Accounts estimate of GFCF spending on New Dwellings to a bottom-up estimate based on Construction Output on new housing and repair and maintenance of housing. The new methodology closely matches that used by ONS for the UK as a whole, and is likely to better account for regional price variation.

Public Administration - Central Government Spend

This year we have introduced an improved bottom-up estimate of reserved Central Government output in the Public Admin and Defence industry, based on per-department employment in Scotland and expenditure data from the Online System for Central Accounting and Reporting (OSCAR) spending database. This has led to a downward revision to Central Government Final Consumption Expenditure in most years. This development was made in response to the first annual Statement of Data Needs published by the Scottish Fiscal Commission on 5 September 2018, and will enable the Scottish Government to supply more accurate Central Government sector data to the Scottish Fiscal Commission for use in its modelling and forecasting.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the Gross Value Added (GVA) figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Accounts figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the latest available being published in December 2018. Please note that, following advice from ONS, last year we have moved from regional gross value added using the income approach (GVA(I)) to the new 'balanced estimate' of regional gross value added (GVA(B)). For more information please see the ONS Regional Accounts bulletin.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (balanced approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Project, quarterly GDP(O) systems and the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2018 consistent Regional Accounts.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with UK Regional Accounts for Scotland can be seen below under 'Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007'.

Difference between ONS regional 'balanced' raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
note - only showing Regional Accounts categories where changes have been made

Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -227 -217 -298 -414 -304 -367 -400 -404
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc           171    
CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.           37    
D: Electricity, gas etc -278              
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -105 -184 -200 -268 -230 -322 -273 -265
Regional Accounts GVA 70,019 70,313 73,747 77,673 81,090 86,012 91,354 97,422
Scottish Use Table GVA 69,406 69,907 73,246 76,993 80,566 85,531 90,683 96,752
Regional Accounts Category 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -549 -646 -434 -264 -336 -111 13 -99
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc                
CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.       197        
D: Electricity, gas etc                
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -249 -310 -394 -338 -359 -439 -284 -137
Regional Accounts GVA 102,814 107,612 111,560 111,806 110,813 113,694 117,398 123,089
Scottish Use Table GVA 102,020 106,651 110,736 111,415 110,116 113,138 117,123 122,851
Regional Accounts Category 2014 2015 2016          
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -96 -169 -275          
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc                
CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.                
D: Electricity, gas etc                
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -42 21            
Regional Accounts GVA 129,015 129,967 133,978          
Scottish Use Table GVA 128,881 129,825 133,704          

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Large upward revisions in  Regional Accounts data in most years not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

CI: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
Adjusted in previous years because ABS and other data sources suggest some deviation from Regional Accounts estimates were required for 2002 and 2003. Latest (balanced) Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish Tables. The previous adjustment to 2002 is no longer required and much less adjustment required in 2003.

CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment
ABS and other data sources suggest continued deviation from Regional Accounts estimates in 2003 and 2009.

D: Electricity, gas etc.
Latest (balanced) Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish Tables in most years. Continuing to adjust 1998 to previously published levels.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2015 Tables.

L: Real estate activities
Following further developments and QA of the Regional Accounts and other source data, previous adjustments are no longer required.

Scottish IO Team
July 2019


Tables now available in machine readable format

The latest 1998 to 2015 Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland that were published in July 2018 are now available in machine readable format on the Scottish Government Open Data Platform.

This is a compressed archive (zip) file with a permanent unique uniform resource identifier. The excel (2016 .xlsx) datasets are in stacked (wide) format with variable names in row 1 and unstacked (narrow) format with all values in a single column.

These datasets are provided for machine readable applications. They include the Domestic Output at Basic Prices and Supply of Products at Purchasers’ Prices Table, Combined Use Table in Purchasers' Prices, Domestic Industry by Industry Table in Basic Prices, Domestic Product by Product Table in Basic Prices, full Leontief Type 1 and Type 2 matrices and associated Output, Income, Employment and GVA Multipliers and Effects.

For details on the contents of this data collection, see _MetaData.xlsx in the zip file.

Scottish I-O Team
April 2019


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2015

Published on 18th July 2018, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2015. They are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and are available in the downloads section of this site. Where possible the tables are also consistent with UK Blue Book 2017 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Accounts estimates.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the Gross Value Added (GVA) figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Accounts figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the latest available being published in December 2017. Please note that, following advice from ONS, this year we have moved from regional gross value added using the income approach (GVA(I)) to the new experimental 'balanced estimate' of regional gross value added (GVA(B)). For more information please see the ONS Regional Accounts bulletin.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (balanced approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Project, quarterly GDP(O) systems and the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2017 consistent Regional Accounts.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with UK Regional Accounts for Scotland can be seen below under 'Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007'.

Difference between ONS regional 'balanced' raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
note - only showing Regional Accounts categories where changes have been made

Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -234 -230 -317 -423 -304 -381 -413 -424 -561
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc           180      
CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.           49      
D: Electricity, gas etc -295                
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -111 -185 -210 -296 -228 -334 -272 -297 -258
L: Real estate activities -51 -123 -200 -319 -328 -257 -259 -219 -109
Regional Accounts GVA 70,036 70,054 73,548 77,690 80,907 85,608 91,138 96,960 102,913
Scottish Use Table GVA 69,344 69,519 72,824 76,650 80,049 84,863 90,190 96,024 101,993
Regional Accounts Category 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -666 -438 -256 -316 -104 34 -39 -31 -196
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc                  
CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.     181            
D: Electricity, gas etc                  
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -341 -317 -349 -380 -472 -311 -192 -134 -77
L: Real estate activities -75 368 465 473 568 583 587 637 585
Regional Accounts GVA 106,976 111,357 111,363 110,321 113,249 116,541 122,258 128,597 130,118
Scottish Use Table GVA 105,894 110,976 111,411 110,091 113,234 116,845 122,610 129,070 130,431

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Large upward revisions in  Regional Accounts data in most years not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

CI: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
Latest (balanced) Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2014 Tables. The previous adjustment to 2002 is no longer required and much less adjustment required in 2003.

CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment
ABS and other data sources suggest continued deviation from Regional Accounts estimates in 2003 and 2009.

D: Electricity, gas etc.
Latest (balanced) Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2014 Tables in most years. Continuing to adjust 1998 to previously published levels.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2014 Tables.

J: Information and communication
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2014 Tables. The previous adjustments are no longer required.

L: Real estate activities
Estimates of Gross Operating Surplus (GOS) for imputed rental are constrained to Regional GVA(B) and Gross Disposable Household Income, which are based on UK imputed rental estimates which are stratified to represent Scotland. Other parts of Section L have been adjusted upwards from the latest Regional GVA(B) estimates, more in line with the previous GVA(I) estimates.

P: Education
Sharp fall in Blue Book 2016 estimates for 2012 no longer seen in Blue Book 2017 balanced estimates. Previous adjustment no longer required.

Scottish IO Team
July 2018


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2014

Published on 26th July 2017, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2014. They are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and are available in the downloads section of this site. Where possible the tables are also consistent with UK Blue Book 2016 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Accounts estimates.

Methodological changes

Social Transfers in Kind

Changes have been made to the treatment of Social Transfers in Kind in the UK National Accounts to bring them in line with ESA 2010 requirements.  The impact of this has been to decrease Government intermediate consumption and output, with GVA remaining unchanged.  Details of the change are provided in the ONS methodological article Transition to ESA 2010 – Changes to treatment of Non-Market Output and Social Transfers in Kind.

Imputed Rent

This release of Supply and Use Tables includes estimates for imputed rental in Scotland which are consistent with UK Blue Book 2016 and constrained to UK Regional Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI). The latest estimates include downward revisions from those published in the 1998-2013 tables, which were produced by the Scottish Government prior to the production of Regional Accounts using the latest data. ONS have included consistent estimates in the latest GHDI statistics, but imputed rental will not be fully updated in Regional Gross Value Added until December 2017.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the GVA figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Accounts figures published by the Office for National Statistics, the latest available being published in December 2016. Please note that due to the combining of SIC(2007) 19 'Coke and petroleum' with SIC(2007) 20.14, 20.16 and 20.17 'Petrochemicals' within the Scottish Input-Output Classification system, the Regional Accounts sub-manufacturing category CD 'Coke and refined petroleum products' and CE 'Chemicals and chemical products' must be combined before constraining.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (income approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Project, quarterly GDP(O) systems and, after extensive data cleaning, the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2016 consistent Regional Accounts.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with UK Regional Accounts for Scotland can be seen below under "Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007".


Difference between ONS Regional Accounts raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
note - only showing Regional Accounts categories where changes have been made

Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -177 -168 -311 -474 -333 -431 -479 -455 -691
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc         282 483      
CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.           119      
D: Electricity, gas etc -305                
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -47 -84 -123 -129 -109 -161 -152 -165 -172
L: Real estate activities -227 115 822 1,006 1,277 1,938 1,826 1,261 1,611
P: Education                  
Regional Accounts GVA 70,369 70,128 73,166 76,700 79,469 83,890 90,009 95,879 102,266
Scottish Use Table GVA 69,615 69,992 73,556 77,102 80,587 85,836 91,206 96,518 103,015
Regional Accounts Category 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014  
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -793 -421 -286 -358 -48 81 21 145  
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc                  
CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.     273            
D: Electricity, gas etc -170 161   235 255   -200 -200  
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -189 -122 -171 -123 -237 -197      
L: Real estate activities 1,078 648 881 1,270 1,679 1,275 1,537 1,652  
P: Education           300      
Regional Accounts GVA 107,119 110,004 110,537 108,768 111,171 113,350 118,541 124,428  
Scottish Use Table GVA 107,046 110,271 111,232 109,793 112,821 114,813 119,900 126,022  

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Large upward revisions in  Regional Accounts data in all years not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

CDE: Manufacture of petroleum and chemicals etc.
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2013 Tables. The previous adjustments are no longer required.

CI: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
ABS and other data sources suggest some deviation from Regional Accounts estimates are required for 2002 and 2003.

CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment
ABS and other data sources suggest some deviation from Regional Accounts estimates are required for 2003 and 2009.

CL: Manufacture of transport equipment
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2013 Tables. The previous adjustments are no longer required.

D: Electricity, gas etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2013 Tables.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2013 Tables.

J: Information and communication
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2013 Tables. The previous adjustments are no longer required.

L: Real estate activities
Estimates of GOS for imputed rental are constrained to Regional GDHI, which includes full implementation of BB16 imputed rental changes. Regional GVA will not include consistent estimates until December 2017. This increases the GVA for Section L away from Regional Accounts in all years, but revises down from the last Supply and Use Tables.

N: Administrative and support service activities
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2013 Tables. The previous adjustments are no longer required.

P: Education
Sharp fall in COE in 2012 not seen in other data sources

Scottish I-O Team
July 2017


Scottish Government High Level Carbon Assessment 2017/18 

The Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model (EIO) is used to estimate the Green House Gas emissions associated with Scottish Government spending plans as set out in the Scottish Draft Budget.

The latest Draft Budget 2017/18 and associated High Level Carbon Assessment were published on December 15th 2016.

For more information about the EIO methodology and to download the GHG Effects Multipliers for 2017/18 please see here.

Scottish I-O Team
December 2016


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2013

Published on 20th July 2016, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2013. These are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and are available in the downloads section of this site. Where possible the tables are also consistent with UK Blue Book 2015 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Accounts estimates.

Methodological changes

Imputed Rent

National Accounts include the concepts of ‘actual rental’ and ‘imputed rental of owner occupiers’ in household expenditure estimates. Owner occupiers’ imputed rental is an estimate of the housing services consumed by households who are not actually renting their residence. It is calculated to allow comparisons across countries with very different institutional frameworks for housing. It can be thought of as the value that owner-occupiers effectively pay themselves to rent their own homes. Imputed rental represents around 10% of GDP as measured by expenditure.

This release of Supply and Use Tables includes a new methodology and revised estimates for imputed rental in Scotland. This development is consistent with revised figures in the UK National Accounts published by ONS on and after 30 June 2016, and with the UK Blue Book 2016. Full details of the UK developments have been published by ONS.

This development will not be incorporated into Regional Accounts until December 2016 and so would not normally be picked up by the Supply & Use Tables until summer 2017. To avoid this delay, and to ensure that GDP estimates for Scotland remain comparable with the latest UK results, we have included figures on a similar basis at this time. This results in a significant upward adjustment from the latest Regional Accounts constraints based on Blue Book 2015, as detailed below. Further information on the Scottish imputed rental estimate is available on this Scottish National Accounts Project page.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the GVA figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Accounts figures published by the Office for National Statistics, the latest available being published in December 2015. Please note that due to the combining of SIC(2007) 19 'Coke and petroleum' with SIC(2007) 20.14, 20.16 and 20.17 'Petrochemicals' within the Scottish Input-Output Classification system, the Regional Accounts sub-manufacturing category CD 'Coke and refined petroleum products' and CE 'Chemicals and chemical products' must be combined before constraining.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (income approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Project, quarterly GDP(O) systems and, after extensive data cleaning, the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2015 consistent Regional Accounts.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with UK Regional Accounts for Scotland can be seen below under "Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007".


Difference between ONS Regional Accounts raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
note - only showing Regional Accounts categories where changes have been made

Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -175 -167 -309 -471 -329 -435 -481 -452
CDE: Manufacture of petroleum and chemicals etc                
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc         120 336    
CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.           125    
CL: Manufacture of transport equipment                
D: Electricity, gas etc -305              
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -47 -84 -123 -129 -109 -161 -152 -165
J: Information and communication       -123 -301 -439 -269  
L: Real estate activities 4,932 5,394 5,864 5,858 6,031 6,618 6,409 6,346
N: Administrative and support service activities                
P: Education                
Regional Accounts GVA 67,327 67,181 70,310 74,500 77,673 82,095 87,599 93,324
Scottish Use Table GVA 71,734 72,326 75,744 79,633 83,087 88,139 93,103 99,056
Regional Accounts Category 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing -682 -784 -483 -344 -433 -190 -37 -83
CDE: Manufacture of petroleum and chemicals etc           275    
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc                
CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.       230        
CL: Manufacture of transport equipment       61     115  
D: Electricity, gas etc   -170 161   235 255   -200
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -172 -189 -122 -171 -123 -237 -197  
J: Information and communication                
L: Real estate activities 6,330 6,041 6,170 5,050 4,356 4,000 3,981 4,265
N: Administrative and support service activities             -120 285
P: Education             300  
Regional Accounts GVA 99,462 104,496 107,497 108,190 107,655 110,286 112,591 118,135
Scottish Use Table GVA 104,938 109,396 113,222 113,016 111,689 114,386 116,636 122,402

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Large upward revisions in  Regional Accounts data in all years not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

B: Mining and quarrying
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2012 Tables. The previous adjustments are no longer required.

CA: Manufacture of food etc.
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2012 Tables. The previous adjustments are no longer required.

CDE: Manufacture of petroleum and chemicals etc.
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2012 Tables, up to 2010.  ABS and other data sources suggest some deviation from Regional Accounts estimates are required for 2011.

CH: Manufacture of basic metals and products
Previous adjustments no longer required.

CI: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
ABS and other data sources suggest some deviation from Regional Accounts estimates are required for 2002 and 2003.

CK: Manufacture of machinery and equipment
ABS and other data sources suggest some deviation from Regional Accounts estimates are required for 2003 and 2009.

CL: Manufacture of transport equipment
Large drop in 2009 and spike in 2012 not seen in underlying ABS data - smoothing.

D: Electricity, gas etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2012 Tables.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2012 Tables.

J: Information and communication
Continuing to adjust to levels shown in the previously published 1998-2012 Tables.

L: Real estate activities
Changes to UK Imputed Rent estimation methodology for Blue Book 2016 have been applied. This increases the GVA for Section L in all years.

M: Professional, scientific and technical activities
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2012 Tables. The previous adjustments are no longer required.

N: Administrative and support service activities
ABS and other data sources suggest some deviation from Regional Accounts estimates are required for 2012 and 2013.

P: Education
Sharp fall in COE in 2012 not seen in other data sources

R: Arts, entertainment and recreation
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2012 Tables. The previous adjustments are no longer required.

S: Other service activities
Previous adjustments no longer required.

Scottish I-O Team
July 2016


Scottish Government High Level Carbon Assessment 2016/17

The Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model (EIO) is used to estimate the Green House Gas emissions associated with Scottish Government spending plans as set out in the Scottish Draft Budget.

The latest Draft Budget 2016/17 and associated High Level Carbon Assessment were published on December 16th 2015.

More information about the Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model.

Scottish I-O Team
December 2015


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2012

Published on 15th July 2015, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2012. These tables are the first Scottish Tables that are consistent with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and are available in the downloads section of this site. Where possible the tables are also consistent with UK Blue Book 2014 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Accounts estimates.

Official Statistics Status

At the request of the Chief Statistician, the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) has re-designated the Scottish Input-Output Tables from National Statistics to Official Statistics. This brings us in line with the UK Input-Output Table re-designation detailed in UKSA Assessment Report 300. The report determined that the UK Tables should not carry the National Statistics designation, primarily because a key data source (the Purchase Inquiry) needs to be brought up to date. Our reliance on the same data led us to request that our Tables should also be re-designated. The correspondence between the Chief Statistician and the UK Statistics Authority is published on the UKSA correspondence pages.

Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff – more information on the standards of official statistics in Scotland can be accessed here.

Presentational changes

Input-Output Classifications (IOC)

We have replaced the Input-Output Classification number system with Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007) based numbering. This is similar to the system used for the UK Input-Output Tables. Instead of the simple 1 through 98 numbering of the old IOC system, each Input-Output product / industry group is now numbered to reflect their SIC2007 codes. This change was made as a result of user feedback and there have been no changes to the coverage of the IOCs themselves; this is purely a label change.

The new IOC to 5 digit SIC2007 lookup table is available here.

Methodological changes

European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010)

An overview of changes to national accounts at the UK level due to adopting the 2010 revision of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) is available from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) website here.

The main changes are summarised below, with links to articles by the ONS giving further details of the changes.

Research and Development

Expenditure on research and development is now treated as Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) instead of intermediate consumption, leading to an increase in GDP.

For the production measure of GDP, output of the market sector remains the same, while intermediate consumption is decreased by the value of bought-in and own-account R&D.  Output of the non-market sector is valued on a sum-of-costs basis, so output is reduced by excluding the value of the capitalised R&D, but with an offsetting increase from including the consumption of fixed capital in R&D assets. 

One exception to these rules is for the R&D industry itself; its purchases of R&D are treated as intermediate consumption.

For the expenditure measure of GDP, GFCF is increased by the total supply of the R&D product, less R&D purchased by the R&D industry.  Final consumption expenditure by the non-market sectors changes by the same amount as the non-market output changes for these sectors.

For the income measure of GDP, Gross Operating Surplus is increased by the same amount as Gross Fixed Capital formation in the market sector, and by the capital consumption of R&D assets in the non-market sector.

For more detail on this change, see the ONS Implementation Framework for Research and Development in the United Kingdom National Accounts.

Capitalisation of military hardware

Expenditure on weapons systems which qualify as assets is now included in gross fixed capital formation rather than intermediate consumption and government final consumption.  This affects the Weapons and Ammunition, Ships and Boats, and Aircraft and Spacecraft products.  Additionally, changes in military inventories are now included in the inventories column for the weapons and ammunition product.  Each of these changes lead to an increase in GDP.

Further detail on this change is available here.


ESA 2010 introduces changes to the treatment of funded defined benefit pension schemes. Firstly, there is a revised methodology for calculating service charges for these schemes, which affects the output of the pensions industry. 

Secondly, contributions to these schemes are now valued on an actuarial basis.  Previously, only employers’ actual contributions to these schemes were recorded; under the new methodology, employers’ contributions are imputed to include the difference between the value of actual contributions and the actuarial value of the pension accrued.  These contributions form a part of Compensation of Employees (CoE) and lead to mutually offsetting changes to CoE and GOS in the market sector.  In the non-market sector, CoE changes, and non-market output and non-market final consumption change by the same amount.

For more detail on the treatment of pensions under ESA 2010, see this article on the ONS website.

Small tools

ESA 2010 removes the value threshold above which small tools are classed as capital formation rather than intermediate consumption (500 euros in 1995 prices).  In practice, items such as “[Expenditure on] inexpensive tools used for common operations ,such as saws, spades, knives, axes, hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches and other hand tools; small devices such as pocket calculators … is recorded as intermediate consumption.”  This change decreases intermediate consumption and increases GFCF and GOS, leading to an increase in GDP.

Changes to the measurement of trade

Several changes have been made to the treatment of trade in ESA 2010 and Balance of Payments Manual 6 (BPM6).  These changes are all GDP neutral and affect:

  • Goods Sent Abroad for Processing
  • Merchanted Goods
  • Remote Gambling

ONS have produced an article describing the effects of these changes available from their website here.

Note that Goods Sent Abroad for Processing and Merchanted Goods changes have only been implemented for Rest of World trade in the Scottish tables as data to implement the changes for trade between Scotland and the Rest of the UK are not available.

Methodological changes

Non-ESA 2010 changes

Outside of the ESA 2010 changes, the UK has also made a number of changes to methods and data to improve international comparability of its Gross National Income (GNI) and wider national accounts statistics, which have led to changes in Scottish estimates.  Detail of the changes at the UK level are available here.  An outline of the main changes is provided below.

Own Account Construction (GNI)

Own Account Construction, previously valued on a sum of costs basis, now also includes a mark-up representing the cost of capital.

Improvements to UK data sources

An ONS review to ensure exhaustiveness of GDP estimates has led to improvements to UK data sources and methodology relating to several products:

  • Satellite & digital TV
  • Fuel
  • Gambling

These improvements have the indirect effect of improving Scottish estimates.

Household expenditure on new cars

Estimates of household spending on new cars now captures discounts and the value of optional extras.

Inclusion of illegal drug and prostitution activities

ESA 1995 states that illegal activities fall within the production boundary of national accounts.  In order to improve international comparability, UK National Accounts now include estimates for prostitution and the production of illegal drugs.  Scottish estimates of these activities based on a population share have been included in the Scottish Supply-Use tables.  Details of the methodology used for the production of UK estimates of prostitution and illegal drug activity may be found here.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the GVA figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Accounts figures published by the Office for National Statistics, the latest available being published in December 2014. Please note that due to the combining of SIC(2007) 19 'Coke and petroleum' with SIC(2007) 20.14, 20.16 and 20.17 'Petrochemicals' within the Scottish Input-Output Classification system, the Regional Accounts sub-manufacturing category CD 'Coke and refined petroleum products' and CE 'Chemicals and chemical products' must be combined before constraining.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (income approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Project, quarterly GDP(O) systems and, after extensive data cleaning, the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2014 consistent Regional Accounts.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with UK Regional Accounts for Scotland can be seen below under "Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007".

Difference between ONS Regional Accounts raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
note - only showing Regional Accounts categories where changes have been made

Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing               117
B: Mining and quarrying -66 63 -282 -332 -401 -561 -322 -257
CA: Manufacture of food etc -205 -155 -50          
CDE: Manufacture of petroleum and chemicals etc                
CH: Manufacture of basic metals and products                
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc -300 -50            
CL: Manufacture of transport equipment                
D: Electricity, gas etc -419 -77 -110 -103 -90 -95 -92 -94
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -74 -57 -92 -104 -77 -130 -112 -104
J: Information and communication -67 -55 -63 -181 -370 -485 -394  
M: Professional, scientific and technical activities                
N: Administrative and support service activities                
P: Education                
R: Arts, entertainment and recreation 157 167       -205    
S: Other service activities                
Regional Accounts GVA 66,506 66,071 69,725 74,280 77,939 82,859 88,036 92,868
Scottish Use Table GVA 65,532 65,906 69,129 73,560 77,002 81,388 87,118 92,528
Regional Accounts Category 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012  
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing 92 142 87 112 71 297 171  
B: Mining and quarrying -171 -274 -436 -401 -331 -504 -754  
CA: Manufacture of food etc   244 194 68 301 591 193  
CDE: Manufacture of petroleum and chemicals etc           331 102  
CH: Manufacture of basic metals and products     106   172 126    
CI: Manufacture of computer, electronics etc                
CL: Manufacture of transport equipment       158 73 -60 126  
D: Electricity, gas etc -105 -212 295 96 309 364 50  
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc -104 -125 -213 -195 -126 -103    
J: Information and communication       -100 138 169    
M: Professional, scientific and technical activities           -200 150  
N: Administrative and support service activities       -290        
P: Education             300  
R: Arts, entertainment and recreation -180     -265        
S: Other service activities             -212  
Regional Accounts GVA 99,549 103,024 108,128 108,659 108,344 111,533 113,820  
Scottish Use Table GVA 99,083 102,803 108,164 107,842 108,950 112,546 113,944  

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
The fall in GVA seen in Regional Accounts (RA) data from 2005 onwards is not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

B: Mining and quarrying
It looks as though Regional Accounts allocate some elements of onshore GVA using ABS data that includes extraction. Since nearly all offshore activity is classed as 'extra-regio' within the UK National Accounts this overestimates the Scottish share. Re-estimated using onshore estimates.

CA: Manufacture of food etc.
The Annual Business Survey (ABS) and other data sources suggest stronger growth from 2007 onwards.

CDE: Manufacture of petroleum and chemicals etc.
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2011 SUTs, up to 2010.  The previous adjustments applied up to 2009 are no longer required. ABS and other data sources suggest some deviation from Regional Accounts estimates are required for 2011 and 2012.

CF: Manufacture of pharmaceuticals
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2011 SUTs. The previous adjustments applied to 2004 to 2007 are no longer required.

CH: Manufacture of basic metals and products
ABS data suggests higher GVA in 2008, 2010 and 2011.

CI: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
ABS and other data sources suggest some adjustment to 1998 and 1999 required.

CL: Manufacture of transport equipment
Large drop in 2009 and spike in 2011 not seen in underlying ABS data - smoothing.

D: Electricity, gas etc.
ABS and other data sources suggest higher growth from 2008 onwards.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Regional Accounts Gross Operating Surplus spike in 2008 is not seen in the ABS data. Output in all years dropped slightly to allow a balance of supply and demand.

F: Construction
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2011 SUTs. No adjustment required.

J: Information and communication
ABS and other data sources suggest adjustment required.

M: Professional, scientific and technical activities
ABS and other data sources suggest flatter growth 2010 to 2012.

N: Administrative and support service activities
ABS and other data sources suggest less growth in 2009.

P: Education
Sharp fall in COE in 2012 not seen in other data sources

Q: Human health and social work activities
Latest Regional Accounts estimates are much closer to the adjusted estimates used in Scottish 1998-2011 SUTs. No adjustment required.

R: Arts, entertainment and recreation
Low estimates in Regional Accounts GOS in 1998 and 1999 and large spikes in in 2003, 2006 and 2009, these are not seen in the ABS and very difficult to balance supply and demand.

S: Other service activities
Large Regional Accounts revisions as a result of the NPISH review and the ESA2010 inclusion of illegal activities meant it was very difficult to balance supply and demand in 2012.

Scottish I-O Team
July 2015


Scottish Government High Level Carbon Assessment 2015/16

The Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model (EIO) is used to estimate the Green House Gas emissions associated with Scottish Government spending plans as set out in the Scottish Draft Budget.

The latest Draft Budget 2015/16 and associated High Level Carbon Assessment were published on October 9th 2014.

More information about the Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model

Scottish I-O Team
October 2014


Correction of the Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2011

During the production of the Quarterly National Accounts Scotland for 2014 Q1 an error was identified in the allocation of some product taxes and subsidies in the 1998-2011 Supply-Use tables published on 16th July 2014. This error has now been corrected, leading to revisions mainly affecting the Wines & Spirits and Electricity products. Estimates of GVA by industry were not affected by the error.

Corrected tables are now available in the downloads section. The Input-Output Team apologises for any inconvenience caused.

Scottish I-O Team
August 13th, 2014


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2011

Published on 16th July 2014, the latest Supply, Use, Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2011. The tables are available in the downloads section of this site. These tables are consistent with UK Blue Book 2013 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Accounts estimates.

Presentational changes

Input-Output Classifications (IOC)

The industry / product detail has reduced from the previously published 104 Input-Output Classifications to 98. They continue to be on a Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 (SIC(2007)) basis. This affects construction, TV and broadcasting, oil extraction, waste management, social work and residential services.

Construction, TV and broadcasting, social work and residential care have been collapsed in line with UK Blue Book 2013 consistent Input-Output tables.

For oil extraction; historically this was a near zero output industry in Scotland. Nearly all activity was offshore and therefore classed as 'extra-regio' within the UK National Accounts. Recent onshore extraction activity within Scotland has data disclosure implications, as a result we must now add this category to ‘other mining’. Finally, ‘Remediation and waste management’; very small GVA and COE estimates generate some very high multipliers. For the 1998-2009 publication these were supressed, it seems more sensible to merge this industry with ‘Waste’.

The full list of changes is as follows:

SIC 2007 code Old IOC Old Description New IOC New Description
61 to 72 IOC104_007 Oil & gas extraction, metal ores IOC098_007 Oil & gas extraction, metal ores & other
81 to 89 IOC104_008 Other mining
38 IOC104_050 Waste IOC098_049 Waste, remediation & management
39 IOC104_051 Remediation & waste management
41 IOC104_052 Construction - buildings IOC098_050 Construction
42 IOC104_053 Construction - civil engineering
43 IOC104_054 Construction - specialised
59 IOC104_067 Film video & TV etc IOC098_063 Film video & TV etc; broadcasting
60 IOC104_068 Broadcasting
87 IOC104_095 Residential care IOC098_090 Residential care and social work
88 IOC104_096 Social work
Non-resident household expenditure in Scotland

Historically this has appeared next to the household final consumption expenditure column in the Use, Industry by Industry and Product by Product Tables. Since this expenditure is technically an export, the column has been moved to be alongside the rest of UK and rest of world exports columns, and is now included within 'total exports'.

Methodological changes

Financial services

Previous estimates were based upon ONS Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings based Scottish employment shares. This has now changed to Scottish shares of UK banking data based on fees, commission and interest spread. These data are sourced directly from ONS and are consistent with GDP(O) short term indicator banking data.

Insurance and pensions

Previous estimates were based upon ONS Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings based Scottish employment shares. These estimates are now based on insurance and pensions data from ONS Survey MQ5, Investment by Insurance Companies, Pension Funds and Trusts.

HHFCE and imputed rent

In line with the UK Supply and Use Tables, dwellings maintenance expenditure by households now crosses from household final consumption expenditure into imputed rent and will appear as off diagonal expenditure within that column.

Agriculture Gross Capital Formation (GCF)

The estimates for GCF for the agriculture industry are now taken directly from the Total Income from Farming data. Previously the Scottish to UK Gross Operating Surplus proportions were applied to UK agriculture estimates of GCF.

Industry by Industry Table methodology

Discussed at the Input-Output Expert Users Group Meeting in November 2013, we have changed the way we produce the symmetric Industry by Industry table to bring the methodology more in line with the recommendations within The Eurostat Manual of Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables. We have moved from a mixed technology assumption model to a fixed product sales structure model. The former is based on the approach described as Model E in the Eurostat manual (see Table 11.27), but the fixed product sales structure (Model D) is strongly preferred for IxI tables. More discussion about the methodology can be found in this Input-Output Users Group paper and Industry by Industry Tables produced using the old (Model E) methodology are available upon request.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As with previous tables, the GVA figures are broadly equivalent to the raw SIC(2007) section level Regional Accounts figures published by the Office for National Statistics, the latest available being published in December 2013. These latest tables detailed 13 sub-sections within the manufacturing SIC(2007) section rather than the whole section estimates provided in Blue Book 2012 Regional Accounts. Please note that due to the combining of SIC(2007) 19 'Coke and petroleum' with SIC(2007) 20.14, 20.16 and 20.17 'Petrochemicals' within the Scottish Input-Output Classification system, the Regional Accounts sub-manufacturing category D 'Coke and refined petroleum products' and E 'Chemicals and chemical products' must be combined before constraining.

The final Supply and Use table estimates are based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Gross Value Added (income approach) and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system; Scottish National Accounts Project, quarterly GDP(O) systems and, after extensive data cleaning, the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where Scottish Use Tables differ from the UK Blue Book 2013 consistent Regional Accounts.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with UK Regional Accounts for Scotland can be seen below under "Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007".

Difference between ONS Regional Accounts raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
note - only showing Regional Accounts categories where changes have been made

Regional Accounts Category 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing              
CA: Manufacture of food etc -130 -90          
CDE: Manufacture of petroleum and chemicals etc         99 100 100
CF: Manufacture of pharmaceuticals             -100
CH: Manufacture of basic metals and products              
CL: Manufacture of transport equipment              
D: Electricity, gas etc -600 -280 -250        
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc              
F: Construction 74 195 316 170 293 541 420
J: Information and communication              
Q: Human health and social work activities              
R: Arts, entertainment and recreation           -141  
Regional Accounts GVA 64,257 64,850 67,520 72,442 75,844 80,148 85,703
Scottish Use Table GVA 63,598 64,673 67,584 72,610 76,234 80,646 86,122
Regional Accounts Category 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing 60 50 47 -7 118 249 304
CA: Manufacture of food etc     178 241 467 630 605
CDE: Manufacture of petroleum and chemicals etc     75 74 50    
CF: Manufacture of pharmaceuticals -200 -380 -420 90 180    
CH: Manufacture of basic metals and products       150   200 145
CL: Manufacture of transport equipment       104 147 119 83
D: Electricity, gas etc       500 351 480 766
E: Water supply; sewerage, waste etc       -127      
F: Construction 541 408 664 408 722 667 722
J: Information and communication           299 299
Q: Human health and social work activities           365  
R: Arts, entertainment and recreation   -91     -166   -170
Regional Accounts GVA 90,394 96,826 99,720 103,896 102,652 102,275 105,943
Scottish Use Table GVA 90,796 96,812 100,263 105,331 104,520 105,280 108,690

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
The fall in GVA seen in Regional Accounts (RA) data from 2005 onwards is not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

CA: Manufacture of food etc.
The Annual Business Survey (ABS) and other data sources suggest stronger growth from 2007 onwards.

CDE: Manufacture of petroleum and chemicals etc.
ABS and other data sources suggest some deviation from Regional Accounts estimates.

CF: Manufacture of pharmaceuticals
Regional Accounts strong growth in 2004 to 2007 is not seen in the ABS.

CH: Manufacture of basic metals and products
ABS data suggests higher GVA in 2008, 2010 and 2011.

CL: Manufacture of transport equipment
Negative Gross Operating Surplus in UK data is not seen in the ABS data.

D: Electricity, gas etc.
ABS and other data sources show no fall in GVA estimates between 1998 to 2000 and suggest higher growth from 2008 onwards.

E: Water Supply; sewerage, waste etc.
Regional Accounts Gross Operating Surplus spike in 2008 is not seen in the ABS data.

F: Construction
ABS and other data sources suggest higher overall GVA, these are closer to Blue Book 2012 based Regional Accounts estimates.

H: Transportation and storage
Blue Book 2013 based Regional Accounts estimates more in line with our previously published GVA, the old adjustment is no longer required.

J: Information and communication
The large spike seen in Blue Book 2012 based Regional Accounts estimates for 2007 no longer seen in 2013 based estimates, the old adjustment to 2007 is no longer required. ABS data suggest no fall in GOS in 2010 and 2011.

K: Financial and insurance activities
Blue Book 2013 based Regional Accounts estimates are more in line with our previously published GVA, the old adjustment is no longer required.

Q: Human health and social work activities
Large drop in Regional Accounts GOS estimate in 2010 is not seen in the ABS and other data sources.

R: Arts, entertainment and recreation
Blue Book 2013 based Regional Accounts have introduced large spikes in GOS in 2003, 2006 and 2009, these and a spike in Compensation of Employees in 2011 are not seen in the ABS.

Scottish I-O Team
July 2014


Scottish Government High Level Carbon Assessment 2014/15

The Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model (EIO) is used to estimate the Green House Gas emissions associated with Scottish Government spending plans as set out in the Scottish Draft Budget.

The latest Draft Budget and associated High Level Carbon Assessment were published on September 11th 2013.

More information about the Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model

Scottish I-O Team
September 2013


1998-2009 Input-Output Multipliers - Corrected Employment Multipliers and Effects

An error in our calculation of the underlying employment data used to construct the employment multipliers and effects for Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (IOCs 1-5) has been identified. This affects all Type 1 and Type 2 employment multipliers and effects estimates.

The Supply, Use, Industry by Industry, Product by Product and Leontief Tables are unaffected. Similarly the Output, Income and GVA multipliers and effects are unchanged.

Apologies to any users that may have already used the employment multipliers or effects estimates. If you wish to discuss the changes please get in touch.

Updated multipliers are now available in the downloads section.

Scottish I-O Team
June 2013


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2009

Published on 15th May 2013, the latest Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2009. The tables are available in the downloads section of this site. These tables are consistent with UK Blue Book 2012 based Supply and Use Tables and Regional Accounts estimates.

Methodological changes

These are the first Scottish tables to implement the change to the new Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 (SIC(2007)). The classification change was effective from 1st January 2008 and represents a major revision of the classification system motivated by the need to adapt the classifications to changes in the world economy. A major reworking of the Scottish Input-Output systems was required to produce tables using the new SIC(2007) Input-Output Categories. More information about these changes and the methods adopted to convert the Tables, can be found in a paper 2012/6 discussed at the Scottish Economics Statistics Consultants Group in October 2012.

Insurance changes

Changes implemented in the UK Blue Book 2012 relating to the measurement and treatment of insurance services have fed through to the Blue Book 2012 consistent UK Supply and Use Tables and will be reflected in the Scottish Tables. Insurance output is now reported using the preferred international approach of including the full amount of risks accepted by the insurer (gross of reinsurance). More information about this change can be found in this ONS article.

Further education

Colleges of Further Education in Scotland have been reclassified from Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (NPISH) to Central Government. This change takes effect from 1 April 1993 in the accounts.

The decision by ONS is based on European classification guidance, specifically the requirement in the UK for public sector approval for any borrowing Further Education institutions wish to undertake. This decision affects Further Education Corporations in England and Wales and Institutions of Further Education in Northern Ireland. More information can be found in this ONS Classification Article.

Employment multipliers and effects

Type 1 and 2 Full Time Equivalent employment multipliers and effects now include estimates of self-employment and HM Forces derived from NOMIS Workforce Jobs data.

UK Regional Accounts constraining

As in the previous set of Tables, the GVA figures are broadly equivalent to the raw Regional Accounts figures published by the Office for National Statistics in December 2012. However, the actual source used are the GDP(i) estimates produced as part of the Scottish National Accounts Project (SNAP) which also take into account any recent changes to total UK GVA since the last publication of the Regional Accounts. The exact figure is based upon triangulation of ONS Regional Accounts and the full range of data sources available to the Supply Use system, Scottish National Accounts Project and quarterly GDP(O) systems and after extensive data cleaning of the Annual Business Survey data. These other sources include data received directly from companies and other organisations. The table below highlights where the Regional Accounts and the Use Tables differ.

Further information about the move away from full consistency with UK Regional Accounts for Scotland can be seen below under "Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007".

Difference between ONS Regional Accounts raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
note - only showing Regional Accounts categories where changes have been made

ONS Regional Accounts Category
(SIC07 Section)
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing             
C: Manufacturing            
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply -351 -302        
F: Construction            
G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles            
H: Transportation and storage -924 -833 -657 -396 -670 -528
J: Information and communication            
K: Financial and insurance activities     750 652    
Regional Accounts GVA (BB12) 64,932 66,775 67,869 71,590 75,714 79,602
Use Table GVA 63,647 65,611 67,962 71,850 75,053 79,080
ONS Regional Accounts Category
(SIC07 Section)
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing    -17 -25 53 186 121
C: Manufacturing         998  
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply         499  
F: Construction   267 38   166 532
G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles       -192 373  
H: Transportation and storage -506 -564 -158 -541 -567 -272
J: Information and communication       -499    
K: Financial and insurance activities            
Regional Accounts GVA (BB12) 84,333 89,413 94,648 101,664 104,655 102,790
Use Table GVA 83,836 89,074 94,451 100,497 106,299 103,234

A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
The fall in GVA seen in Regional Accounts data from 2005 onwards is not seen in Scottish Government Agriculture Output, Input and Income Statistics. Following advice from Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services and the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs the Supply and Use Tables are constrained to the Scottish Government data.

C: Manufacturing
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply
E: Construction
G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
Other data sources suggest the GVA peak was in 2008 and not 2007 as seen in the Regional Accounts data. The large drop in Regional Accounts GVA estimates for Electricity, gas and steam in 1998 to 2000 and flat Construction in 2005 are also not seen in other data sources.

H: Transportation and storage
Other data sources suggest lower GVA but higher overall growth throughout the series.

J: Information and communication
Large spike seen in Regional Accounts 2007 data not seen in other data sources.

K: Financial and insurance activities
Insurance losses (mostly London) are allocated to Scotland by Regional Accounts Wages and Salaries methodology.

Scottish I-O Team
May 2013


Scottish Government High Level Carbon Assessment 2013/14

The Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model (EIO) is used to estimate the Green House Gas emissions associated with Scottish Government spending plans as set out in the Scottish Draft Budget.

The latest Draft Budget and associated High Level Carbon Assessment were published on September 20th 2012.

More information about the Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model

Scottish I-O Team
September 2012


Scottish Government High Level Carbon Assessment 2012/13

The Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model (EIO) is used to estimate the Green House Gas emissions associated with Scottish Government spending plans as set out in the Scottish Draft Budget.

The latest Draft Budget and associated High Level Carbon Assessment were published on September 21st 2011.

More information about the Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model

Scottish I-O Team
September 2011


Methodology Guide

Macro-Economic Statistics produced by the Scottish Government were recently assessed by the United Kingdom Statistics Authority (UKSA) for compliance against the Code of Practice for Official Statistics 2009.

The UKSA Assessment Report, number 83, was published in January 2011. Amongst the requirements for designation as National Statistics, the Input-Output team were required to improve the published documentation about how the Input-Output Tables are produced.

In order to meet this requirement a Methodology Guide has been published within the Input-Output reference section.

All feedback on this document is welcome.

For more information about the wider Scottish Macro-Economics Statistics UKSA Assessment please see this page.

Scottish I-O Team

May 2011


Scottish Government High Level Carbon Assessment 2011/12

The Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model (EIO) is used to estimate the Green House Gas emissions associated with Scottish Government spending plans as set out in the Scottish Draft Budget.

The latest Draft Budget and associated High Level Carbon Assessment were published on November 17th 2010.

More information about the Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output model

Scottish I-O Team
November 2010


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2007

Published on 13th October 2010, the latest Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland relate to 1998 to 2007. The tables are available in the downloads section of this site.

For the first time the tables include Greenhouse Gas Emission effects. These will used to estimate the emissions in the High Level Carbon Assessment of the Scottish Draft Budget 2011/2012, currently scheduled for November 2010. Please see GHG estimation methodology for more information.

Methodological changes

Overall, this set of tables uses the same methodology as the 1998-2004 tables published in March 2009. The main methodological changes are:

Regional Accounts constraining

The 126 industry GVA estimates published in the Use tables have been constrained to ONS Regional Accounts for a number of years. Since Regional Accounts are at the 31 Industry level, the Input-Output categories always summed to the individual Regional Accounts category totals.

In the past, the smoothed, headline Regional Accounts estimates have been used. After discussion within the Input-Output Expert Users Group the decision has been taken to switch over to using the raw GVA estimates. Since there is increasing use of the Supply-Use Tables within the Scottish National Accounts Project, on advice from ONS National Accounts and the Input-Output Expert Users Group, it makes more sense to use the actual raw estimates rather than artificially smoothed estimates. The raw estimates represent actual changes from year to year. The smoothed estimates are required by Eurostat as a measure of longer term changes in trend, and therefore do not reflect actual changes from one year to the next.

The GVA figures contained in the latest IO tables are broadly equivalent (unless explicitly adjusted; see table below) to the raw Regional Accounts figures published by the Office for National Statistics. However, the actual source used is the GDP(i) estimates produced as part of the Scottish National Accounts Project (SNAP) which also take into account any recent changes to total UK GVA since the last publication of the Regional Accounts, in practice for the period covered by the latest IO release, the difference is marginal, for 2007 the adjusted GVA figure only diverges from the published Regional Accounts total by £0.45 million.

Over the past few years there have been several industries where we have felt Scottish GVA estimates taken from the Annual Business Inquiry were more accurate than Regional Accounts top down Scottish employment share of UK estimates. Although expert users recognise the advantages of having a fully UK Regional Accounts constrained set of Scottish Supply-Use Tables, it was agreed by the expert users group that, where other data sources suggest otherwise, it would be preferable for the Scottish estimates to depart from this constraint.

As a result, there has been close working with the Scottish National Accounts Project (SNAP) and GDP(O) Short Term Indicators teams over a number of months to enforce consistency between each source to allow triangulation between Regional Accounts and alternative estimates. Constraining to Regional Accounts raw estimates has been the initial and default position, only breaking away from Regional Accounts estimates where it was felt necessary due to access to better data and where differences could be explained with reference to the Regional Accounts methodologies.

Difference between ONS Regional Accounts raw GVA estimates and published Scottish Use table values
Published SUT estimate minus Regional Accounts raw estimates (£m)
note - only showing Regional Accounts categories where changes have been made

ONS Regional Accounts Category
(SIC03 Division)
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
DF: Coke, Refined Petroleum Products   -17     -56     142 160 193
DG: Chemicals, Chemical products               -315 -652 -1,063
DL: Electrical and Optical Equipment     511              
I: Transport, Storage and Communication -1,194 -1,110 -898 -648 -876 -788 -714 -493    
J: Financial Intermediation     722 639            
O: Other Community, Social and Personal Service Activities         -631 -813        
Regional Accounts Scottish GVA total 64,571 66,159 67,077 71,138 75,540 79,316 83,761 87,797 92,964 100,238
Scottish USE table published GVA 63,376 65,032 67,412 71,129 73,977 77,716 83,047 87,131 92,473 99,367

DF: Manufacture of Coke, Refined Petroleum Products and Nuclear Fuel
DG: Manufacture of Chemicals, Chemical products and Man-Made Fibres
Data obtained directly from producers suggests principle product classification issues within Regional Accounts estimates

DL: Manufacture of Electrical and Optical Equipment
Fall in Regional Accounts data not seen in any data sources

I: Transport, Storage and Communication
Other data sources suggest lower GVA but higher overall growth

J: Financial Intermediation
Insurance losses (mostly London) are allocated to Scotland by Regional Accounts Wages and Salaries methodology

O: Other Community, Social and Personal Service Activities
The knock on spike in output proved impossible to balance with demand - not seen in smoothed Regional Accounts figures

Output Scaling

In the past, during the process of moving initial GVA estimates either up or down to constrain to published Regional Accounts figures, overall industry output was not changed. Instead, Intermediate Consumption was adjusted to retain the initial output estimate with a resulting change in the overall industry production function. This has been discussed and recognised as not ideal by the Expert Users Group. On advice from ONS representation on that group the Scottish tables now retain the initial GVA to Output ratio so that industry output will increase or decrease in line with the GVA changes, thus retaining the initial production function, as obtained from the Annual Business Inquiry. This is an important improvement which should provide better quality industry linkage estimates and therefore improved economic impact assessments that utilise the Input-Output analytical tables and multipliers.

Since output can now change during GVA constraining, industry level Output at basic Prices in the Supply table must also change to the same estimate. This has resulted in shifts of domestic output and trade to the rest of the UK and rest of the World when compared to previously published figures.


Note that the Single Farm Subsidy came into effect in January 2005 increasing the figure within the taxes less subsidies row of the Use matrix from 2005 onwards. This change is also noticeable in the UK Use table.

Household and Tourist Demand

Scottish National Accounts Project data are now being used for Household and Tourist expenditure totals. This is based on quarterly estimates, summed to calendar year, for household expenditures consistent with the UK consumer trends. The new methodology is consistent with other estimates used in the Government Expenditure Revenue Scotland (GERS) exercise.

Scottish I-O Team
October 2010


Planned publication date - 1998-2007 IO tables

The next set of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland will be available to download from Wednesday October 13th 2010.

Our original plan to produce 2004-2007 tables is changed in favour of producing a full set of 1998-2007 tables to ensure a long run consistent time series of tables back to 1998 to allow formal benchmarking of the data underpinning the quarterly GDP(O) index in constant prices. This also supports the production of a number of new statistical products resulting from the Scottish National Accounts Project.

Alongside the usual output, income, employment and GVA multiplier and effects tables, we shall also publish a set of Greenhouse Gas Emission effects. These will be used to estimate the emissions in the High Level Carbon Assessment of the Scottish Draft Budget 2011/2012, currently scheduled for November 2010.

The GHG emission effects will be based upon the 2007 IO tables and will be in 2011/12 prices. Please see the 2010/11 Carbon Assessment for more information.

Scottish I-O Team
September 2010


Scottish Government High Level Carbon Assessment - update

The Scottish Budget Draft Budget 2010/11 was published on September 17th.

The Draft Budget itself can be found here:

The accompanying High Level Carbon Assessment document can be found here:

Scottish I-O Team
September 2009


Scottish Government High Level Carbon Assessment

In 2008 the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth made a commitment to publish estimates of the Green House Gas emissions associated with the planned government spending as detailed in the Scottish Government Draft Budget, scheduled to be published in September 2009.

The commitment by the Cabinet Secretary is an ambitious one. A range of experts acknowledged in evidence to the Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee that the carbon assessment of spend is a complex process and that there is no single recognised estimation methodology. Recognising the challenging nature of the task, the Scottish Government convened an expert workshop at the end of November 2008 to discuss the merits and limitations of different methodologies, and identify the most appropriate way forward. Having considered a number of possibilities, Environmental Input-Output (EIO) analysis was identified by the contractors as providing the best option to provide a high level assessment of the impact of Government spending on emissions.

The Office of the Chief Economic Adviser has been working with economists and researchers in the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Analytical Services to extend the current IO model to include GHG emission intensities from ONS Environmental Accounts. We have also been working with Scottish Government Finance colleagues to map individual draft budget spend lines on to the industrial classification required for the EIO analyses.

The plan is to publish the modelled analyses alongside the Scottish Budget within a separate High Level Carbon Assessment document. The very clear message will be that these are initial estimates of GHG emissions. In this context, it is important to see the assessment this September as a developing approach (without precedent in government accounting), with further work required over time to develop the accuracy and functionality of assessment techniques.

This will be important because, from 2010, there will be a statutory requirement for the Scottish Government to publish GHG emissions estimates along side their spending plans. The intention, in the longer term is to work towards developing the methodology and to agree a publication strategy that would sit within the pre-announcement and pre-release access required of Official Statistics.

A link to the Draft Budget and the accompanying High Level Carbon Assessment document will be placed here once they are published in September.

Scottish I-O Team
August 2009


Planned 2004 to 2007 Scottish IO tables

The Scottish Input-Output Tables, Supply and Use Tables and associated analyses rely heavily on the UK Supply and Use Tables. As a result of the UK National Accounts re-engineering programme it was not possible to construct 2005 and 2006 Scottish Supply and Use Tables. This was discussed in the Input-Output Expert Users Group (IOEUG) and agreed that Scotland should use 2008 to develop time series consistent Supply and Use tables and associated analytical tables. This work was completed and published in March 2009. For more information about the Scottish Supply and Use table publications plans and decisions for 2008 please see papers and minutes from the IOEUG May 2007 meeting.

Since publication of the 1998-2004 tables, we have been working with ONS colleagues to obtain sufficient UK Supply and Use Table data to allow construction of more up to date tables. ONS published the UK 2004-2007 Supply and Use tables at the end of July 2009 and the agreements are now in place to begin to receive the data required to produce the Scottish tables.

The Scottish IO team are now beginning to construct the raw 2004-2007 tables and plan to publish these in 2010. It is not possible at the moment to be more specific about when the new tables will be ready for publication; high levels of work on developing the new High Level Carbon Assessment of Government Spending, staff changes and the system changes required to deal with the new, post re-engineered ONS National Accounts System Supply and Use Table data are all playing a part. For more information please see the papers and minutes from the IOEUG May 2009 meeting.

Updates will be posted here when available.

Scottish I-O Team
August 2009


Publication of Input-Output Tables and Multipliers for Scotland 1998-2004

Published on 31st March 2009, the latest tables relate to 1998 to 2004. These are the first Scottish time series consistent tables and replace previously published tables for these years, which were published as annual snapshots. The tables are available in the downloads section of this site.

Overall, this set of tables uses the same methodology as the original 2004 tables, which were published in December 2007. The main methodological changes are:

Finance Sector

Some of the industries relating to financial intermediation have been merged, namely '100.1 - Banking' and '100.2 - Other Financial Institutions' were merged to be just 100, and '102.1 - Auxiliary Financial Services nec' and '102.2 - Auxiliary to Insurance' were merged to be just 102.

The reason for merging these is that, for IOCs 100.1 and 100.2, there is no longer any real difference in the activities these industries carry out - the activities of building societies are largely indistinguishable from banks, and for IOCs 102.1 and 102.2 there is no up-to-date reliable data source available to allow us to update these figures.

Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM)

According to the European System of Accounts 1995 (ESA95) there are 2 methods of allocating FISIM in the Input-Output tables. The simplest way, which we have used in previous years, is to treat FISIM as a nominal industry with negative GVA. The second option is to quantify the value of FISIM 'supplied' to each of the intermediate and final demand sectors. Since the UK I-O tables have now adopted the second, more complicated, method we now have the necessary data to allow the Scottish I-O tables to be produced in the same way.

For more information on FISIM and the revised methodology please these papers from the SESCG meeting:

and the article in SES 2008:

Scottish I-O Team
March 2009


Notification of Delay to 2005 and 2006 Scottish Supply and Use Tables

The Scottish Input-Output Tables, Supply and Use Tables and associated analyses rely heavily on the UK Supply and Use Tables and are constrained to the Regional Accounts based estimates of Gross Value Added ( GVA) at the 31 industry level (and financial intermediation services indirectly measured).

The UK National Accounts systems and methods are undergoing a major overhaul as part of the Office for National Statistics statistical modernisation programme. The National Accounts re-engineering programme is aiming to deliver quarterly and annual Supply and Use Tables in both current prices and previous years' prices going back to 1997. To facilitate this process, the Input-Output Analytical Tables produced by the ONS were suspended in 2003, and the ONS 2007 annual Blue Book exercise did not include the production of the 2005 Supply and Use Tables, revisions to earlier Supply and Use Tables, annual benchmarking of quarterly sources onto annual survey results, amongst various other stored revisions including the allocation of financial intermediation services indirectly measured. This in turn affects the Regional Accounts as the UK control totals by industry, by sector and by type of income are generated through the production of the Supply and Use Tables process.

As a result, there will be no UK Supply and Use Tables, Input-Output publication or associated analyses until around September 2008. More details of the modernisation work can be found in this article on the ONS web site.

These changes also affect the publication of ONS Regional Accounts estimates of GVA at the industry level such that in the 2007 December publication, the industrial detail will not be published.

As a result of these changes, publication of the 2005 Scottish Input-Output Tables, scheduled for December 2008, will also be delayed.

After consultation with the Input-Output Expert Users Group, it was agreed that ONS re-engineering provided the opportunity to work on the planned development of consistent times series Input-Output Tables for Scotland. The group was consulted on a range of options and it was agreed we would begin the development of a full set of 1998-2004 tables as soon as the 2004 tables were published. Please see the May 2007 meeting on the Expert Users Group web site (part of SCOTSTAT) for further information about this decision: .

Scottish I-O Team
December 2007


Please contact the Input-Output team directly if you have any questions about the tables or require any help in using them.

Stevan Croasdale
+44(0)131 244 3330

Gary Campbell
+44(0)131 244 3767

Jay Ware
+44(0)131 528 5690

We are especially interested in any work that you may be doing that uses any of the Supply, Use or Input-Output data. We would also be interested in any feedback concerning the layout and content of this web site or any other suggestions that you have.

Generic Email:

Telephone: +44 (0)131 244 3330

The Scottish Government Input-Output team
Room 4WR
St. Andrew's House
Regent Road

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