
Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables

Information on the Supply, Use and Analytical Input-Output Tables produced by the Scottish Government.

Supply Table

The primary purpose of the Supply Table is to show the products produced by each industry in Scotland along with the supply of products including imports. The distinction between industries and products is important; individual firms and organisations are classified according to the products they make. If they produce more than one product, they are classified according to whichever product accounts for the largest component part of their output in value terms . Each industry produces what is termed to be its principal product (shown in the diagonal elements in the table) and many industries also produce a range of other products referred to as secondary production (shown in the off-diagonal cells) or by-products.

The table below shows the main elements of the Supply Table for Scotland for 2021 (the off-diagonal elements are suppressed to prevent disclosure). The supply of products is presented in the rows while the columns show the industries responsible for the output of these products. This table is an aggregate version of the full Supply Table, which shows the output of each of the 98 I-O industry groups by each of the 98 I-O product groups. The full Supply Table is not published due to the disclosive nature of the data. However, some information about the levels of supply and market share of each of the 98 industries is available, in summary form, in the Supply Table (available in the downloads section of the Supply Table (available in the latest tables).

The Supply Table also demonstrates the transition from total domestic supply of products at basic prices to total supply at purchasers' prices through the addition of distributors’ trading margins and taxes less subsidies on products. The transition from domestic output to total supply is made by the addition of imports and their related taxes and margins.

Aggregate Supply Table 2021
(Output at basic prices and Supply at purchasers' prices), £millions

Aggregate Supply table, showing the supply of products in the rows while the columns show the industries responsible for the output of these products

This table is for illustrative purposes only. Entries denoted by ** have been suppressed as possibly disclosive. For this reason, the row and column totals do not add up to the sum of the components.

A copy of this table can be found in the latest tables.

Interpretation of the Supply Table

Indicators of the diversity of products produced by an industry

It can be seen in column 3 of the above table that the Manufacturing industry produced £35,164m of its principal product in 2021, accounting for 94 per cent of this industry's total output (£37,559m). The remaining cells within this column are suppressed to avoid presenting disclosive figures.

This indicator is presented, at 98-industry detail, in the Supply Table as 'Principal product as a % of total industry output'. This statistic shows that, for the substantial majority of industries in Scotland in 2021, secondary production of goods and services accounted for less than 20 per cent of their total output.

Indicators of market share

Conversely, to look at the industries that produce Manufacturing products, we consider row 3 of the above table. We find that the manufacturing industry is responsible for the production of virtually all manufacturing products (98%). This is an indicator of market share and is presented, at 98-industry detail, in the Supply Table as 'Principal product as a % of total output of product'.


Please contact the Input-Output team directly if you have any questions about the tables or require any help in using them.

Stevan Croasdale
+44(0)131 244 3330

Gary Campbell
+44(0)131 244 3767

Jay Ware
+44(0)131 528 5690

We are especially interested in any work that you may be doing that uses any of the Supply, Use or Input-Output data. We would also be interested in any feedback concerning the layout and content of this web site or any other suggestions that you have.

Generic Email:

Telephone: +44 (0)131 244 3330

The Scottish Government Input-Output team
Room 4WR
St. Andrew's House
Regent Road

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