
Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables

Information on the Supply, Use and Analytical Input-Output Tables produced by the Scottish Government.

Use Table

An aggregated combined use matrix at purchasers' prices is presented below. As in the previous table, industries are shown in the columns and products in the rows. Where the Supply Table presented the supply of products for Scottish consumption, the Use Table shows the demand (uses) for the products by industries and final use across the product rows.

Aggregate Combined Use Table 2021 (purchasers' prices), £millions

2021 Use Table, showing the use of products by industries and final use across the product rows

This table has been simplified for clarity. A full version of this table can be found in the latest tables.

The Use Table can be split into 3 main sections.

  • The intermediate use (section 1): shows the inputs of products, both domestic and imported, used by Scottish industries in the production of their output.
  • The final use (section 2): shows the purchases of each product by each category of final use (e.g. consumers, government, export)
  • The primary inputs (section 3): these inputs do not flow through the other industries, they are employees' salaries, taxes less subsidies on production and gross operating surplus, which together constitute Gross Value Added.

The Combined Use table is available in full 98-industry detail in the latest tables.

Interpretation of the Use Table

Inputs to the production process

Column 3 of the above table shows the purchases made by the Scottish Manufacturing industry in order to produce its own output. We can see that the main purchases made by this industry comprised: an estimated £13,682 million of its own principal product, £1,738 million of agriculture, forestry and fishing products, £1,438 million of transport, storage and communication products, and £1,738 million of professional and support activities products.

Destination of products

The total use of manufactured products is given in the above table as £118,465 million. Row 3 of this table presents the consumption of manufacturing products by both the intermediate and final use parts of the economy. This row shows that, in addition to the £13,682 million purchased by the manufacturing industry, £1,818 million were purchased by the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry, and £21,360 million by other industries. Exports account for around 27% of the total use of manufactured products.


Please contact the Input-Output team directly if you have any questions about the tables or require any help in using them.

Stevan Croasdale
+44(0)131 244 3330

Gary Campbell
+44(0)131 244 3767

Jay Ware
+44(0)131 528 5690

We are especially interested in any work that you may be doing that uses any of the Supply, Use or Input-Output data. We would also be interested in any feedback concerning the layout and content of this web site or any other suggestions that you have.

Generic Email:

Telephone: +44 (0)131 244 3330

The Scottish Government Input-Output team
Room 4WR
St. Andrew's House
Regent Road

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