Ethnicity and justice - academic management: research mapping

Outlines previous, current and future research projects around ethnicity and justice from a survey of academics and researchers in Scotland. Conducted on behalf of the Cross Justice Working Group on Race Data and Evidence.

Annex 1: Overview Summary Tables - Project Topics

Table 1, below shows how many projects fitted into each of the main topics and sub-topics from the research audit and survey question. Due to the limited amount of information provided about projects in the survey, where respondents included more than one project, and ticked multiple boxes to indicate the topics those projects related to, each of those projects will be listed beside all the topics selected by respondents. This might result in a degree of over-counting for certain topics, by attributing all of a respondent’s projects to all of the topics they selected, when that topic might only relate to one of the projects.

Projects in Table 1, are listed in the order of previous, then current, then future research, and are listed alphabetically by project title within this.

Table 1: Topic areas covered by the research mentioned in survey

Topic / Sub-Topic

Prevention and early intervention activities

No. of projects and status

Total: 2

Current: 1

Future: 1

Project Title

1. Understanding inequalities (mentioned by 2 separate respondents) (current)

2. Experiences of justice and understanding of rights (future)

Topic / Sub-Topic

Experience of crime and feelings of safety

No. of projects and status

Total: 18 (includes 4 hate crime and 3 VAWG)

Previous: 8 (including 2 hate crime and 3 VAWG)

Current: 8 (including 2 hate crime)

Future: 2

Project Title

1. Experiences and Perceptions of Community Safety in Scotland (previous)

2. Fear of crime: survey exploring measurement and collecting additional data from EM households (previous)

3. We belong to Glasgow: the thirdspaces of youth ‘gangs’ and asylum seeker, refugee and migrant group (previous)

4. Experiences of and resistance to state racism in Scotland. (current)

5. Measuring Justice: Defining Concepts, Developing Practice (current)

6. Experiences of discrimination based on race amongst missing people and their families (current)

7. Perceptions of safety by marginalised groups/ Community Safety for groups with protected characteristics. (current)

8. Scotland in Lockdown (current)

9. Understanding Inequalities (mentioned by 2 separate respondents) (current)

10. Experiences of justice and understanding of rights (future)

11. Research into the disproportionate representation of Black people within the population of people who are reported missing to the police in the UK (future)

Topic / Sub-Topic

  • Sub – Topic - Hate Crime /racially motivated violence

No. of projects and status

Total 4

Previous: 2

Current: 2

Project Title

1. CJSW Briefing paper on Race and Hate Crime (previous)

2. Refugee’ is only a word: A discursive analysis of refugees’ and asylum seekers’ experiences in Scotland (previous)

3. 'Encountering policing - a qualitative exploration of Scottish Pakistanis' experience of policing.' (current)

4. "How and why hate crime occurs: exploring the accounts of those convicted of hate crime in Scotland" (current)

Topic / Sub-Topic

  • Sub – Topic - Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

No. of projects and status

Total: 3

Previous: 3

Project Title

1. A confident approach in responding to the needs of domestically abused South Asian women – Laying the foundations for Police Scotland 2026 Strategy (previous)

2. South Asian Women & Domestic Abuse in Scotland: an uncertain legal status and no recourse to public funds (previous)

3. Understanding the needs of victim/survivors of IPV in Glasgow (previous)

Topic / Sub-Topic


No. of projects and status

Total: 15 (includes 2 stop and search)

Previous: 5 (includes 1 stop and search)

Current: 8 (includes 1 stop and search)

Future: 2

Project Title

1. A confident approach in responding to the needs of domestically abused South Asian women – Laying the foundations for Police Scotland 2026 Strategy (previous)

2. Diversity in Policing: An Evaluation of the Introduction to Policing Programme within Police Scotland (previous)

3. Experiences and Perceptions of Community Safety in Scotland (previous)

4. South Asian Women & Domestic Abuse in Scotland: an uncertain legal status and no recourse to public funds (previous)

5. 'Encountering policing - a qualitative exploration of Scottish Pakistanis' experience of policing.'


6. Experiences of and resistance to state racism in Scotland. (current)

7. Experiences of discrimination based on race amongst missing people and their families (current)

8. Perceptions of safety by marginalised groups/ Community Safety for groups with protected characteristics. (current)

9. POLACS (current)

10.Policing the Pandemic: The Role of Enforcement in Securing Compliance with the Coronavirus Regulations (current)

11. Understanding inequalities (mentioned by 2 separate respondents) (current)

12. Experiences of justice and understanding of rights (future)

13. Research into the disproportionate representation of Black people within the population of people who are reported missing to the police in the UK (future)

Topic / Sub-Topic

  • Sub – Topic - Stop and search

No. of projects and status

Total: 2

Previous: 1

Current: 1

Project Title

1. Analysis of Stop and Search data for the Independent Advisory Group on Stop and Search (previous)

2. COST Action: POLSTOPS (current)

Topic / Sub-Topic


No. of projects and status

Total: 7

Previous: 3

Current: 3

Future: 1

Project Title

1. A confident approach in responding to the needs of domestically abused South Asian women – Laying the foundations for Police Scotland 2026 Strategy (previous)

2. Experiences and Perceptions of Community Safety in Scotland (previous)

3. South Asian Women & Domestic Abuse in Scotland: an uncertain legal status and no recourse to public funds (previous)

4. Measuring Justice: Defining Concepts, Developing Practice (current)

5. Perceptions of safety by marginalised groups/ Community Safety for groups with protected characteristics. (current)

6. Scotland in Lockdown (current)

7. Experiences of justice and understanding of rights (future)

Topic / Sub-Topic

Non-custodial sentences

No. of projects and status

Total: 1

Future: 1

Project Title

1. Experiences of justice and understanding of rights (future)

Topic / Sub-Topic

Custodial sentences

No. of projects and status

Total: 3

Current: 2

Future: 1

Project Title

1. Measuring Justice: Defining Concepts, Developing Practice (current)

2. Scotland in Lockdown (current)

3. Experiences of justice and understanding of rights (future)

Topic / Sub-Topic

Post–Prison activities and processes

No. of projects and status

Total: 0

Topic / Sub-Topic

Re-offending, re-imprisonment

No. of projects and status

Total: 2

Current: 1

Future: 1

Project Title

1. "How and why hate crime occurs: exploring the accounts of those convicted of hate crime in Scotland" (current)

2. Experiences of justice and understanding of rights (future)

Topic / Sub-Topic

Civil justice

No. of projects and status

Total: 2

Current: 2

Project Title

1. COST Action: POLSTOPS (current)

2. POLACS (current)

Topic / Sub-Topic

Other, please specify

No. of projects and status

Total: 3

Previous: 1

Current: 2

Other: victim/witness experiences

Total: 2

Current: 2:

Project Title

1. Measuring Justice: Defining Concepts, Developing Practice (current)

2. Scotland in Lockdown (current)

Topic / Sub-Topic

Other: Influence of race and space on youth crime/violence

No. of projects and status

Total: 1

Previous: 1

Project Title

1. We belong to Glasgow: the thirdspaces of youth ‘gangs’ and asylum seeker, refugee and migrant group (previous)



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