
Access to Childcare Fund: phase 2 - evaluation report

It aimed to assess the extent to which the Fund’s projects contributed to expected outcomes for parents and children, and to synthesise learning and produce recommendations to inform the design of a system of school age childcare for Scotland


1. Bright Start, Bright Futures: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022 to 2026. Scottish Government website.

2. ibid

3. Every child, every chance: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022. Scottish Government website.

4. Access to Childcare Fund 2020-2022: final evaluation report. Children in Scotland website.

5. No carers or other family members were interviewed by the research team.

6. The experiences of a further 15 CYP were captured via a discussion group run by Indigo.

7. This was carried out at the request of Indigo, in order to engage their children (many of whom could be classed as vulnerable and who may not be confident taking part in a depth interview) in the most effective and ethically sensitive way.

8. The total does not sum to 30 as families may represent more than one target group.

9. For the purpose of this research, given that most CYP invited to participate in this research were of school age, young mothers were defined as being under 25 at the time of their first child being born.

10. This includes anyone with an individual or combined income under the Child Poverty thresholds (under 60% of median household income after housing costs (estimates taken from Child Poverty in Scotland: the facts. CPAG website.

11. Note that families can fall into more than one category.

12. Note that SCMA or AUFA are not included, due to data being counted and reported differently.

13. For the purpose of this research, since most families participating had children of school age, young mothers were defined as being under 25 at the time of their first child being born. However, it is unclear whether all projects asked for this information upon application, meaning this figure may be an underestimate.

14. For those with ASN, ratio requirements are different from the standards stated by the Care Inspectorate and more dependent on children’s care plans.

15. Best Start, Bright Futures: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022 to 2026. Scottish Government website.



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