
Access to outdoor recreation by older people in Scotland

Report detailing research on access to outdoor recreation for older people.

Appendix C: Project information sheet

Barriers to outdoor recreation for older people

About the project

Getting into the outdoors is a great way for people to keep healthy and active. We know that older people in Scotland are less likely to take part in outdoor recreation than young or middle-aged adults, so many may be missing out on the benefits. This project aims to gain a better understanding of the barriers to outdoor recreation that older people experience.

To do this we are looking to interview people in three areas - Dundee (Stobswell / Maryfield area), Arbroath, and Grantown-on-Spey. Participants should be:

  • Aged 65 years or over
  • Retired/ not economically active
  • Living independently (not in a residential home or sheltered housing complex)
  • A year round resident in one of the case study areas

What will participating in the study involve?

Interviews are expected to last up to 1 hour, but you can request that it be shorter than this or to draw it to a close at any time. The interview can take place either at your home or in a public place ( e.g. a café) depending on what you would prefer. You may also ask a friend or relative to be present if you wish. We will audio record the interview if you are willing for us to do so.

How we will use the information you give us

The information you give us will be treated as confidential and will be anonymised so that it cannot be linked to you personally. The findings of the study will be published in a report to the Scottish Government and in an academic journal article.

Getting in touch

If you would like to take part, or have any questions please contact:

Dr Mags Currie (01224 395 297) or Dr Kathryn Colley (01224 395 387)

Or email

This research is funded by Scottish Government's Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services Division ( RESAS) under Theme 8 'Vibrant Rural Communities' of the Food, Land and People Programme (2011-2016).


Email: Graeme Beale,

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