
Access to outdoor recreation by older people in Scotland

Report detailing research on access to outdoor recreation for older people.

Appendix E: Interview consent form

Project: Barriers to outdoor recreation for older people

In consenting to participate in an interview for the above project I understand that:

1. Taking part in this study is entirely voluntary and I may withdraw my consent at any time prior to the publication of the research findings.

2. It is my right to decline to answer any question that I am asked.

3. I am free to end the interview at any time.

4. I may request that the interview (or parts thereof) not be recorded.

5. My participation is on an anonymous basis. Publications or discussions of the research findings will not reveal any information which would allow me to be identified personally.

Please tick and sign below:

I confirm I have read and understood the information sheet provided

I agree to participate and to the use of my data for the purposes specified

I give permission for an audio recording of the interview to be made

Name (please print): ............................................................................................................

Signature: ......................................................................................................................

Date: ...........................................................................................................................

Signature of researcher: ........................................................................................................

Researcher contact details:

Dr Mags Currie (01224 395 297) or Dr Kathryn Colley (01224 395 387)

The James Hutton Institute,
AB15 8QH


Email: Graeme Beale,

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