Access to period products: monitoring and evaluation strategy 2021/22 to 2024/25

Evaluation and monitoring strategy on free access to period products. The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021 came into force on 15 August 2022. This document presents the approach to evaluating and monitoring implementation of the Act.


1. Access to free sanitary products: EQIA - (

2. Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021 (

3. Estimated uptake will be calculated for each local authority, college and university by dividing the reported number of period products purchased by the total number of period products required to fulfil the full product requirement of the whole menstruating population accessing products from that local authority, college or university. Where provided, data for disposable products only will be used. If a breakdown by product type is not provided, the total number of product units purchased will be used which may result in a slight overestimation of uptake for these bodies.

4. Research of non-statutory provision of free period products during 2018/19 was carried out and is being published as a supporting file to this monitoring and evaluation strategy. Although this doesn't provide baseline data prior to the provision of free products, the report provides analysis and learning around the experiences of those who had accessed products in the initial year they were made available in educational settings.



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