Accessible Vehicle and Equipment Scheme Quarterly Meeting Group minutes: July 2023

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 5 July 2023.

Attendees and apologies

Attendees from the Scottish Government 

  • David George, Chair, Disability Benefits Team Leader
  • Shonagh Martin, Disability Benefits Policy Officer
  • Natalie McCrindle, Head of Procurement and Commercial, Social Security Scotland
  • Norma Mackenzie, Supplier Relationship Manager, Social Security Scotland
  • Angela Munro, Administrative Assistant

Attendees from Motability Charity and Motability Operations

  • Bernie Cowper Oversight Manager, the Motability Foundation
  • Barry Le Grys CEO, The Motability Foundation
  • Andrew Miller CEO, Motability Operations
  • Michelle Vellacott Customer Support Director, Motability Operations
  • Kate Hallward Innovation Manager, Motability Operations


  • Nikola Plunkett, Scottish Government 
  • Hannah Gascoigne, Scottish Government

Items and actions


The Chair David George welcomed members to the seventh Accessible Vehicle and Equipment (AVE) Scheme quarterly meeting.

Previous meeting minutes and action point update

The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed and formally approved by the group. 

The following updates were given on the previous actions.

Action 1: Scottish Government officials to provide an update on the consultation on the mobility component. 

The consultation on the mobility component of Adult Disability Payment closed on 25th April and the independent review of Adult Disability Payment is planned to take place later this year. Further updates will be given at future meetings.

Action 2: Scottish Government officials to provide an update on the recent accreditation round as soon as possible.

Officials updated on this later in the meeting. 

Action 3: Officials to meet with Motability and Motability Operations colleagues to discuss any potential changes to their contract. 

This was discussed later on in the meeting.  

Action 4: Officials to have an internal discussion with Agency colleagues on any changes required in the contract. 

This meeting was held, and this action closed. 

Action 5: Motability to provide an update on their meeting with the Minister for Transport.

Motability have requested to meet with the Cabinet Secretary and the Minister for Transport. A further update will be provided on these meetings at a later date.

Action 6: Officials to invite relevant stakeholders to their weekly catch ups with Motability Operations. 

Motability raised with officials that weekly meetings with Programme colleagues have ceased and asked who would take over leading on these at Agency. Officials requested more information on the content of these meetings to ensure an appropriate lead is considered. 

Action 1 (new): Motability colleagues to send a summary of discussion topics from the weekly meetings and a list of risks associated with not continuing with these meetings.


Responsibility for the commercial management of the contract

Officials explained that the Social Security programme contract will come to an end in the next two years. Programme colleagues are continuing with their transition to digital. Telephony is the focus for the next transition. They are currently determining where responsibilities lie within the Agency. Commercial responsibility for Motability is with Natalie McCrindle and Norma Mackenzie will lead on the contract.

Officials assured Motability that they should not notice much difference in terms of engagement and responsibilities. They will continue to commit to the same standard of service previously provided by colleagues.

Motability stated that they would talk to colleagues at the agency if there were any issues with the contract, but it will be useful to have procurement colleagues as a point of escalation. 

Re-charges for the Administration Fee

Officials explained that finance colleagues are currently pulling together costs for the first invoice to be sent to Motability Operations Programme officials have explained that these would normally be sent six months in arrears. Agency colleagues wanted to make Motability aware that the first invoice will be coming. 

Motability officials requested that they be billed for costs and include the joining fee no later than September this year as this is when they end their financial year. 

Action 5: Officials to send invoice to Motability colleagues before the end of September this year. 

Motability Operations update

Motability Operations colleagues shared a presentation with officials giving detailed information on operations. Topics included key metrics, car fuel changes, the New Vehicle Payment and customer satisfaction.

They updated that many car manufacturers are ceasing petrol car production in favour of producing electric cars. This is happening quickly, creating pressures in the industry. The supply of the type of cars needed by Motability is difficult to find so they are looking further afield.

Motability Operations are ensuring that any increase in car prices does not negatively impact on them or the customer. Following the return of supply post-covid, manufacturers have been able to increase choice and improve pricing. They are looking at ways to better support the customer, including the provision of home charge points. Andrew noted that there are challenges regarding Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles, with a risk that people could be left behind without further investment in the transition to electric for people using a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV). 

They have also seen an increase in the number of applications to the scheme. They are currently working on obtaining scooters and powered wheelchairs but need to look at regulating these areas.  

Officials agreed that the pack provided looks very positive and Motability Operations have had a good quarter. 

Motability Operations colleagues are currently looking for a Managing Director to be based in Edinburgh. They are running the One Big Day event in Ingliston, Edinburgh in September this year which they invited officials to attend. 

Action 6: Motability Operations to give officials dates for the September event.

Motability Charity update

Motability colleagues shared that there has been an increase in scheme related grants meaning that customers can reach the scheme at an affordable price. Last year’s charitable expenditure reached £113 million. This year they aim to reach £125 million. 

Motability colleagues awarded grants to eight other organisations in Scotland last year which totalled £3.2 million and there is increasing demand to assist people accessing the scheme. Motability is continuing its work on BSI PAS1899 for publicly accessible electric charging points and is looking at an endorsement scheme which has gone to tender. They would like to discuss this with the Minister for Transport.

The Motability board is fully supportive of Andrew on the need to address the transition to electric for wheelchair accessible vehicles to ensure no one is left behind. Both boards also support and acknowledge that there are some of the biggest changes in the industry that the scheme has ever seen. Motability Operations noted that they subsidise the WAV industry by up to £100 million per year.

Motability colleagues updated that from August this year, their working title will be the ‘Motability Foundation’.  However, their legal title will remain Motability. 

Officials suggested there should be a communication sent to scheme customers when this change occurs and that this should give assurance to customers that there will be no changes to Motability’s aims. Motability confirmed there will be a launch and all of those who have applied for a grant will be told. They reassured officials that there will be no legal changes as it is only a working title and all regulators have been informed.  

Action 7: Officials to write to Motability to request confirmation of this change. This is to ensure that there is sufficient evidence to provide to Ministers. 

Any other business and close

Motability colleagues explained that the Working Age Disability Living Allowance (WA-DLA) team within the Social Security Directorate had asked them whether the transitional support payment would apply to people moving from WA-DLA to Adult Disability Payment. They confirmed that this should be requested formally. Motability noted that the transitional support payment would be subject to review, and they may wish to have a further discussion on this at a future meeting.

It was agreed that officials would be in touch with Motability colleagues to arrange the next meeting. 

Action 8: Officials to contact Motability colleagues with dates for the next AVE Quarterly meeting. 

The chair formally closed the meeting.

Minutes from the meeting of the Scottish Government Accessible Vehicle and Equipment Scheme group on 5 July 2023.

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