
Accessible Vehicle and Equipment Scheme quarterly meeting group: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Accessible Vehicle and Equipment Scheme meeting group.


The quarterly meetings between Motability and the Scottish Government (SG) provide a forum to discuss any matters material to the running of the Scottish Government’s Accessible Vehicle and Equipment (AVE) Scheme. 

In addition to meeting on a quarterly basis, the Scottish Ministers or their officials and Motability may meet more regularly to discuss operational, urgent or high-priority matters. 


Meetings are to be attended by:

  • SG policy officials who are responsible for advising the Scottish Ministers on the AVE scheme
  • SG social security programme officials who are responsible for designing systems which allow the scheme to operate
  • Barry J Le Grys, Chief Executive at Motability and other staff employed by Motability Operations Limited or Motability, the charity who have a relevant interest in particular agenda items

Terms of engagement 

SG officials will propose an agenda at least two weeks in advance of meetings. A final agenda will be circulated to attendees at least one week before the date of the meeting, along with all meeting papers. Officials will alternate between proposing an agenda which is focussed on primarily policy matters and one primarily focussed on operational matters.

Meetings focussed on policy matters will usually be chaired by Nikola Plunkett, head of Disability Benefits Policy Unit. Meetings focussed on operational matters will usually be chaired by Margaret Grigor, Social Security Programme Service Manager.  

All meetings will be minuted outlining key discussion items by SG and the agenda and minutes will be published. Sections may be redacted where policy is still under development or the discussion is of a commercially sensitive nature. 

The Scottish Government will give Motability the chance to comment on meeting minutes before publication. 

These terms will be reviewed no later than: 

  • 01.03.2023
  • when a new vehicle provider becomes accredited under the AVE scheme (whichever event occurs sooner)
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