
Accessible Vehicles and Equipment Scheme: application form

Invitation for suppliers to apply for accreditation to provide accessible vehicles and equipment to individuals with a long term health condition or disability.


Disability Assistance is a new form of social security assistance (both tax free and non-means-tested), providing financial support to individuals with a long-term health condition or disability.

We are launching the Accessible Vehicles and Equipment Scheme to ensure that individuals in Scotland who receive a qualifying rate of Disability Assistance will be able to lease a range of cars, scooters and powered wheelchairs directly from a choice of accredited providers. 

Social Security Scotland will arrange to pay the qualifying part of an individual’s Disability Assistance to the accredited provider for the duration of a lease. Individuals who select the scheme to meet their mobility needs will not be subject to a credit check and will enjoy a range of affordable choices directly from providers.

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