
Accessible Vehicles and Equipment Scheme: application form

Invitation for suppliers to apply for accreditation to provide accessible vehicles and equipment to individuals with a long term health condition or disability.

How we will assess applications

An accreditation panel consisting of three Scottish Government officials will score applications using evaluation criteria set out in the scheme rules.

Scores will be based on evidence submitted in the application form and will be awarded a mark for each of the criteria between 0 and 4, in accordance with the methodology detailed in the table below:



0: Unacceptable

Nil or inadequate response. Fails to demonstrate previous experience/capacity/capability relevant to this criterion.

1: Poor

Response is partially relevant but generally poor. The response shows some elements of relevance to the criterion but contains insufficient/limited detail or explanation to demonstrate previous relevant experience/ capacity/capability.

2: Acceptable

Response is relevant and acceptable. The response demonstrates broad previous experience, knowledge and skills/capacity/capability but may lack in some aspects of similarity e.g. previous experience, knowledge or skills may not be of a similar nature.

3: Good

Response is relevant and good. The response is sufficiently detailed to demonstrate a good amount of experience, knowledge or skills/capacity/capability relevant to providing similar services to similar clients.

4: Excellent

Response is completely relevant and excellent overall. The response is comprehensive, unambiguous and demonstrates thorough experience, knowledge or skills/capacity/capability relevant to providing similar services to similar clients.

We expect to be able to let everyone who has applied know the accreditation panel’s decisions in November 2019. We will contact every organisation individually to let them know whether, and to what extent, they have been successful.  

Tailored feedback on your application will be available if requested.

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