Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Levels 2016-17

This contains the results of the achievement of curriculum for excellence levels 2016-17.

Chapter 9: Achievement of CfE levels of pupils based in special schools/units

  • Around 30 per cent of pupils based in special schools/units are reported as following their own individual milestones.
  • Around a quarter of pupils were assessed as 'Not yet achieved Early Level'.
  • For each organiser, nearly 30 per cent of pupils based in special schools/units are reported as having achieved a CfE level.

Chart 9.1: Percentage of pupils in special schools/units achieving CfE levels, 2016/17

Chart 9.1: Percentage of pupils in special schools/units achieving CfE levels, 2016/17

Chart 9.1 shows the highest level achieved for all pupils in special schools/units (see section 1.4).

The most common category was 'Child following individual milestones', which was the case for around three in ten pupils, followed by around a quarter of pupils who had 'Not yet achieved Early Level'.

Of the pupils who achieved a CfE level in the special schools/units population, this was highest for listening and talking at 30 per cent, closely followed by numeracy (29 per cent), reading (28 per cent) and writing (27 per cent).

The number of pupils in special schools/units not assessed was around 17 per cent (see section 1.6).



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