
Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Levels 2017-18

This contains the results of the achievement of curriculum for excellence (CFE) levels 2017/2018.

Chapter 2: Achievement of CfE levels at Scotland level 

  • Around 85 per cent of all primary school pupils achieved the expected CfE level for listening and talking.
  • At least 75 per cent of primary pupils achieved the expected CfE level for reading and numeracy.
  • At least seven out of ten pupils are achieving expected CfE level for writing in primary stages.
  • Almost nine out of ten S3 pupils are achieving Third Level or better in reading, writing, listening and talking and numeracy.
  • The overall pattern of performance by stage and organiser is very similar to that reported in the Achievement of CfE Level 2016/17 results.

From the data collected, two additional variables have been calculated: combined Primary stages (P1, P4 and P7) and combined Literacy (reading, writing, listening and talking).

A pupil is reported to have achieved the expected level in Literacy if they have achieved the expected level in all three of the literacy organisers: reading, writing, listening and talking.  Pupils will not be included in this calculation if ‘Not Assessed’ (Code 99) has been reported in one or more of the organisers.  Therefore, this percentage will generally be lower than performance reported in three literacy organisers individually.

Similarly P1, P4 and P7 combined is the percentage of all pupils achieving their expected level for their relevant stages divided by the number of P1, P4 and P7 pupils (excluding pupil reported as ‘Not Assessed’).  

Table 2.1: Percentage of pupils achieving expected CfE levels, 2017/18

Stage/Level Reading Writing Listening & Talking Literacy Numeracy
P1 - Early Level 81 78 87 75 85
P4 - First Level 77 72 85 69 76
P7 - Second Level 79 73 84 70 75
P1, P4 and P7 combined 79 74 85 71 78
S3 - Third Level or better 90 89 91 87 89
S3 - Fourth Level 53 51 55 46 56



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