
Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Levels 2017-18

This contains the results of the achievement of curriculum for excellence (CFE) levels 2017/2018.

Chapter 5: Achievement of CfE levels in Gàidhlig

  • The percentage of primary pupils, in Gaelic medium schools/classes, achieving the expected CfE level was highest for Gàidhlig listening and talking, and lowest for Gàidhlig writing.
  • The percentage of S3 pupils achieving the Third Level or better was 97 per cent for reading, writing and listening and talking and 96 per cent for literacy.

A combined literacy variable for Gàidhlig has been created; this has the same methodology as the English literacy variable.  For more information see Chapter 2.

The pattern of Gàidhlig reading and writing performance was similar to English reading and writing, in that the percentage of pupils achieving expected CfE levels was lower in P4 and P7, than in P1, and was highest at S3.  For Gàidhlig listening and talking, however, performance was highest at P1 at 88 per cent, followed by P7 (85 per cent) and P4 (79 per cent).

Chart 5.1 Percentage of pupils achieving expected CfE levels in Gàidhlig, 2017/18

Chart 5.1 Percentage of pupils achieving expected CfE levels in Gàidhlig, 2017/18

For P1, P4 and P7, Gàidhlig listening and talking results were highest whereas Gàidhlig writing results were the lowest (Chart 5.1).  At S3, performance was stable over the three Gàidhlig organisers.



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