Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Levels 2018-19

Results of the achievement of curriculum for excellence (CFE) levels 2018 to 2019.

Chapter 7: Achievement of CfE Levels by local authority

If making comparisons between local authorities we recommend keeping in mind the context of the authorities and their approach to assessment. See Chapter for more information.

This chapter describes the range of data reported by local authorities, and comparisons to the national average. Full achievement of CfE levels by local authority (2016/17 to 2018/19) can be found in the supplementary tables which can be found in the supporting files associated with this document (

Chart 13: Percentage of P1, P4 and P7 pupils achieving the expected CfE Levels by organisers and local authority, 2018/19

Chart 13: Percentage of P1, P4 and P7 pupils achieving the expected CfE Levels by organisers and local authority, 2018/19

Chart 13, illustrates the range in results between local authorities and organisers for P1, P4 and P7. The largest range in results across the four separate organisers can be seen in numeracy at P7 (62 per cent to 90 per cent) and in writing at P7 (60 per cent to 88 per cent) – both differences of 28 percentage points.

The smallest range in results reported by organisers is for listening and talking, with a difference of 16 percentage points at P1, 23 percentage points at P4, 20 percentage points at P7 and 15 percentage points at S3.

Chart 14: Percentage of S3 pupils achieving CfE Levels by organisers and local authority, 2018/19

Chart 14: Percentage of S3 pupils achieving CfE Levels by organisers and local authority, 2018/19

At S3, (Chart 14) the range in results between local authorities reporting attainment at Third Level or better was smaller than at Fourth Level. For Third Level or better, the smallest range in results by local authority was 15 percentage points for listening and talking (84 to 99 per cent). The highest range was for numeracy at 22 percentage points (77 to 99 per cent).

For Fourth Level in S3, the smallest range in results reported by local authorities was 43 percentage points for numeracy, (39 to 82 per cent) and the largest was 65 percentage points for listening and talking (19 to 84 per cent). This is consistent with feedback received from local authorities (see Chapter

Results for local authorities by SIMD quintiles are available in the supplementary tables which can be found in the supporting files associated with this document (



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