
Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Levels 2020-21

Results of the achievement of curriculum for excellence (CFE) levels 2020 to 2021.

Chapter 5: Achievement of CfE Levels in Gàidhlig

  • The percentage of primary pupils, in Gaelic medium schools/classes, achieving the expected CfE level was highest for Gàidhlig listening and talking, and lowest for Gàidhlig writing at all stages (P1, P4 and P7).

Information on the Gàidhlig data collected as part of the achievement of CfE levels can be found in Chapter A combined literacy variable for Gàidhlig has been created; this has the same methodology as the English literacy variable. Numeracy and English literacy data for pupils learning in Gàidhlig are included in the other chapters of this report.

Around 1,595 pupils in the Achievement of CfE Levels data are in Gaelic medium schools/classes; 606 pupils at P1, 518 pupils at P4 and 471 at P7.

The pattern of performance in the Gaidhlig reading and writing organisers was similar to that seen in English-language reading and writing: the percentage of pupils achieving expected CfE levels was highest in P1 and lower in P4 and P7. For Gàidhlig listening and talking, performance was highest at P4 with 80 per cent achieving the expected CfE level, and lower at both P1 and P7 (both 78 per cent).

At all stages (P1, P4 and P7) Gàidhlig, listening and talking results were highest whilst Gàidhlig writing results were the lowest (Chart 14).

The proportions of pupils achieving expected levels in Gàidhlig organisers were generally lower in 2020/21 than in previous years with the biggest reductions between 2018/19 and 2020/21 generally seen in P7. (See Table 8 in the supplementary tables).

S3 figures are not available for 2020/21; for more information see Chapter 1.3

Table 3: Percentage of pupils achieving expected CfE Levels in Gàidhlig, 2016/17 – 2020/21a
Year Stage/Level Reading Writing Listening & Talking Literacy
2020/21 P1 - Early Level 76 71 78 65
P4 - First Level 73 61 80 58
P7 - Second Level 66 59 78 53
P1, P4 and P7 combined 72 64 79 59
S3 - Third Level or better [no data] [no data] [no data] [no data]
S3 - Fourth Level [no data] [no data] [no data] [no data]
2019/20 P1 - Early Level [no data] [no data] [no data] [no data]
P4 - First Level [no data] [no data] [no data] [no data]
P7 - Second Level [no data] [no data] [no data] [no data]
P1, P4 and P7 combined [no data] [no data] [no data] [no data]
S3 - Third Level or better [no data] [no data] [no data] [no data]
S3 - Fourth Level [no data] [no data] [no data] [no data]
2018/19 P1 - Early Level 78 71 83 68
P4 - First Level 74 64 78 62
P7 - Second Level 73 66 83 63
P1, P4 and P7 combined 76 67 81 64
S3 - Third Level or better 83 80 81 80
S3 - Fourth Level 57 52 58 49
2017/18 P1 - Early Level 84 77 88 74
P4 - First Level 74 71 79 66
P7 - Second Level 72 67 85 63
P1, P4 and P7 combined 78 72 84 69
S3 - Third Level or better 97 97 97 96
S3 - Fourth Level 61 49 49 42
2016/17 P1 - Early Level 81 80 81 75
P4 - First Level 78 71 83 69
P7 - Second Level 73 62 80 60
P1, P4 and P7 combined 78 72 81 69
S3 - Third Level or better 98 94 98 94
S3 - Fourth Level 55 40 52 36

a. Caution should be exercised if making comparisons over time; for more information see Chapter

Chart 14: Percentage of pupils achieving expected CfE Levels in Gàidhlig, 2020/21
Bar chart showing the percentage of pupils achieving expected CfE Levels in Gàidhlig, 2020/21



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