
Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Levels 2015-16

This contains the results of the achievement of curriculum for excellence (CfE) levels data collection.

Chapter 2: Achievement of CfE levels by gender

  • A higher percentage of females are consistently achieving the expected CfE level compared to males across all stages and curriculum areas.
  • The difference between the percentage of males and females achieving the expected CfE level is consistently the largest for writing and smallest for numeracy.
  • The difference between the percentage of males and females achieving the expected CfE level generally increases as children progress through the primary and secondary stages.

Table 2.1 : Percentage of primary pupils achieving expected CfE levels by gender

Stage Gender Reading Writing Listening & Talking Numeracy
P1 (Early Level) Males 78% 74% 82% 83%
Females 83% 82% 88% 85%
All pupils 81% 78% 85% 84%
P4 (First Level) Males 71% 63% 77% 72%
Females 79% 75% 85% 74%
All pupils 75% 69% 81% 73%
P7 (Second Level) Males 68% 58% 73% 67%
Females 77% 73% 82% 69%
All pupils 72% 65% 77% 68%

Table 2.2: Percentage of S3 pupils achieving Third Level or better by gender

Stage Gender Reading Writing Listening & Talking Numeracy
S3 Males 82% 79% 83% 84%
Females 90% 89% 91% 88%
All pupils 86% 84% 87% 86%

Table 2.3: Percentage of S3 pupils achieving Fourth Level by gender

Stage Gender Reading Writing Listening & Talking Numeracy
S3 Males 33% 30% 35% 47%
Females 47% 45% 47% 52%
All pupils 39% 37% 41% 49%


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