Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Levels 2015-16

This contains the results of the achievement of curriculum for excellence (CfE) levels data collection.

Chapter 8: Achievement of CfE levels of pupils based in special schools/units

  • For each curriculum area, nearly 30 per cent of children based in special schools/units are reported as following their own individual milestones.
  • For each curriculum area, around a third of children based in special schools/units are reported as having achieved a CfE level.
  • Just under a quarter of children are judged by the teacher to have not yet achieved Early Level.
  • For each curriculum area, 15 per cent of children are reported as 'Not Yet Assessed'.

Percentage of pupils in special schools/units achieving CfE levels

Percentage of pupils in special schools/units achieving CfE levels


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