
Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Levels 2023-24

Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) levels: 2023-24 provides information on national performance in literacy and numeracy, based on all pupils in publicly funded Primary 1, Primary 4, Primary 7 and Secondary 3 classes, and for all pupils based in special schools/units.

Chapter 6  Achievement of CfE Levels by local authority


If making comparisons between local authorities we recommend keeping in mind the context of the authorities and their approach to assessment. See Section 5.6 of the methodology report for more information.

Details of achievement of CfE levels by local authority (2016-17 to 2023-24) can be found in the supplementary tables. The supplementary tables also include a breakdown of local authority achievement of CfE levels by deprivation (SIMD quintiles).

In charts 13 and 14 the blue dots represent local authorities and the green bars represent the Scotland average.

The largest range in results among individual organisers (i.e. excluding literacy) occurs in writing with a range of 21 percentage points at P4 and 23 percentage points at P7. This was largely influenced by one local authority which had considerably higher proportions than the others.

Chart 13: Variation at primary level between local authorities was greatest for writing and smallest for listening and talking

Percentage of P1, P4 and P7 pupils achieving expected CfE levels by organiser and local authority, 2023-24

Chart showing variation of percentage of P1, P4 and P7 pupils achieving expected CfE levels by organiser and local authority, 2023-24

The range of results in listening and talking was narrower, with a range of between 13 and 15 percentage points across local authorities.

At S3 the range is results for attainment at third level or better was smaller than at fourth level.

The smallest range at third level or better was in listening and talking where the range was 13 percentage points and widest for numeracy at 19 percentage points.

Chart 14: Variation between local authorities at S3 level was greater for fourth level than for third level or better

Percentage of S3 pupils achieving CfE levels by organiser and local authority, 2023-24

Chart showing variation in percentage of S3 pupils achieving CfE levels by organiser and local authority, 2023-24



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