
Achieving a sustainable future: regeneration strategy

A regeneration plan for Scotland.


1. This Strategy follows the publication of the Regeneration Discussion Paper, Building a Sustainable Future , in February 2011 and the updated Government Economic Strategy in September 2011. The Strategy does not revisit all the information contained within Building a Sustainable Future, instead it responds to the questions that were posed and the responses that were submitted as part of the discussion. The Discussion Paper and the Strategy should be viewed as partner documents.

2. 71 Written responses were submitted to Building a Sustainable Future, alongside responses received as part of a series of events and seminars which took place during February and March 2011.

3. A number of key themes emerged from the Discussion Paper. In summary these were:

  • The need for the Scottish Government to set a clear direction and vision for regeneration policy
  • Clarification on the roles and responsibilities that different organisations have in delivering regeneration
  • Recognition that a coordinated approach is needed at a local level and across public services to tackle area-based disadvantage
  • The importance of community led regeneration
  • Recognition of the constraints on public sector finances alongside a continued need for appropriate grant support and innovative funding solutions
  • The importance of placemaking in supporting successful communities
  • Support for town centres as a central part of community life

4. The responses to Building a Sustainable Future and the key themes above have shaped the development of this Regeneration Strategy and are reflected in the structure outlined below.

Structure of the Strategy

5. Strategic Context: this section places the Regeneration Strategy within the context of other Government policies, including those focussed on infrastructure and capital investment, alongside social policies.

6. Vision and Outcomes: this section provides the Scottish Government's vision for regeneration and outlines the economic, physical and social outcomes that are required in order to deliver sustainable communities. This section is supplemented by a summary of supporting outcomes provided at Annex A .

7. Focussing our Interventions: this section considers the characteristics of sustainable communities, recognising that some places need additional support and interventions in order to become sustainable. This section recognises that local partners and communities themselves are best placed to identify local assets and needs.

8. Delivering the Vision: this section outlines a number of key actions which the Scottish Government will undertake to deliver regeneration and support sustainable communities. This includes: improving local delivery; outlining a new approach to tackling area-based disadvantage; support for community led regeneration; details of grant and other financial support; and taking forward regeneration of Scotland's town centres.

What is Regeneration?

9. Regeneration is the holistic process of reversing the economic, physical and social decline of places where market forces alone won't suffice. This holistic theme runs throughout this Strategy and forms the basis for the propositions and conclusions.


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