
Achieving a sustainable future: regeneration strategy

A regeneration plan for Scotland.

Vision And Outcomes

"The Scottish Government's leadership role in setting out a clear shared vision for a fairer and more sustainable future is increasingly important in the context of devolved responsibility for local regeneration"

Discussion paper response

Regeneration Vision

36. Our vision is a Scotland where our most disadvantaged communities are supported and where all places are sustainable and promote well-being.

37. This vision can only be delivered if regeneration is approached in an holistic way by addressing the economic, physical and social needs of our communities. These key elements cannot be delivered in isolation - each is connected and vital to success.

38. Delivery of the regeneration vision relies on a wide range of supporting outcomes being achieved ( see Annex A). The supporting outcomes are not unique to regeneration and many cross over into wider government policy, including economic development, planning and placemaking, public health, justice, safety, housing, business support, education and skills. These outcomes apply to the sustainability of all of Scotland's communities - not just those that are disadvantaged or deprived. It is where there is a persistent and concentrated absence of these outcomes being achieved that additional intervention - or regeneration - might be required.

39. This points to a need for a coordinated approach across the public, private and third sectors, alongside community led action. In particular, to achieve these outcomes in vulnerable and fragile communities a concerted effort is needed across government and all mainstream services to deliver the required results. Successful and sustainable communities should therefore be at the heart of delivery of services at national and local level.

40. The regeneration vision underpins the range of activities and interventions that the Scottish Government has committed to within this Strategy. Public, private and third sector partners are encouraged to use the vision and the supporting outcomes to shape their own delivery plans.

Delivering Success

41. Experience shows that a number of key elements need to be in place to deliver successful regeneration. Drawing on evidence the key success factors for designing and delivering regeneration interventions, are detailed below. (An evidence review of what we have learned from past regeneration practice can be found at the resources section of our website. Further detail on critical success factors can be found in ' Delivering Better Places: A guide to learning from broader experience'.) Public, private and third sector partners should consider these key elements when delivering regeneration locally.

42. Our future regeneration activity must focus on outcomes and take account of lessons learned, so that it:

  • puts communities first, effectively involving local residents in the regeneration process and empowering communities
  • is holistic, making connections between the physical, social and economic dimensions
  • adopts a long-term vision for a places and focuses the on the safety and quality of places
  • takes account of the specific function of neighbourhoods and integrates regeneration initiatives into wider economic strategies
  • makes tailored interventions to link economic opportunity and need to address worklessness and deliver sustainable quality employment
  • is supported by simple and aligned funding streams and maximises the impact from mainstream resource by better integration with place-based interventions
  • Has strong leadership with clear accountability and makes effective use of partnership working, involving the private sector, both in investment and in shaping ideas and development.


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