
Achieving a sustainable future: regeneration strategy

A regeneration plan for Scotland.

Annex A

Supporting Outcomes

These supporting outcomes have been developed in consultation with key external stakeholders, including representatives from the public, private and third sector, alongside community groups. We are grateful for the input received from all contributors.

The categories of economically, physically and socially sustainable communities are not mutually exclusive. Many of the outcomes listed below will fall under each heading, although each outcome has only been included once for the purposes of this list.

Economically Sustainable Communities

  • Strong local economies, providing access to jobs and support for business
  • A well trained workforce whose skills meet economic needs
  • People have access to the learning and development opportunities that they need and the right support is in place to help people to work
  • A thriving private sector and social enterprise
  • Effective strategies in place to link economic opportunity and demand
  • The right affordable housing options with sufficient availability and quality of housing across all tenures
  • Places encourage positive and appropriate private sector investment and social enterprise which provides opportunities for business and jobs
  • Infrastructure fosters the right conditions for growth and community cohesion, including good transport and digital connectivity
  • Thriving towns and high streets
  • Sustainable employment and reducing welfare dependency

Physically Sustainable Communities

  • People have access to quality public space and appropriate greenspace
  • Well planned neighbourhoods and local areas, with accessible facilities and amenities
  • Communities have a positive appearance and are places where people want to live, work and invest
  • Quality design and upkeep of buildings and spaces
  • Address vacant and derelict land and property and preserve heritage/built environment for productive use
  • Use resources efficiently and respect the natural environment

Socially Sustainable Communities

  • Communities and people are protected and feel safe
  • Delivery is focussed on the needs of people
  • Communities are involved in designing and delivering the services that affect them
  • Strong and effective community networks are in place
  • People have access to appropriate community facilities and places to meet
  • Communities have a positive identity and future aspirations
  • People are empowered to improve their area and maximise local assets
  • People have good physical and mental health
  • People have access to effective local services and facilities, including health, education and early years support
  • Towns and high streets act as a focal point for social and economic interactions
  • Communities are fair and inclusive, where all have a voice and can participate
  • Sustainable employment to tackle worklessness.


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