
Acquisition Programme: information

Information on acquisitions of homes funded through the Affordable Housing Supply Programme.


While Scotland should be rightly proud of its strong housing and homelessness rights, we have record numbers of households in temporary accommodation and new build programmes cannot always keep pace with the demand for affordable housing. In ‘Equality, opportunity, community’, the Scottish Government has committed to work with partners, including local government, to identify ways to reduce the number of people living in temporary accommodation, taking account of the recommendations of the Temporary Accommodation Task and Finish Group. Recommendation 2 of the Temporary Accommodation Task and Finish Group suggested that “the Scottish Government should urgently introduce a large-scale national acquisition policy and action plan to buy private sector properties”.

The establishment of a National Acquisition Programme in 2023 to 2024 saw more than £83 million in Scottish Government investment to support almost 1,500 purchases.

We will continue to support acquisitions going forward and these should be allocated (a) in line with the legal framework for social housing allocations – including to those living under unsatisfactory housing conditions such as unsuitable or temporary accommodation – and (b) in accordance with individual social landlord’s allocation policies. Although the main aim of acquisitions is to help increase the availability of permanent homes, to meet local needs and to reduce the numbers of households in temporary accommodation, in certain circumstances it may be appropriate for properties to be used as suitable temporary accommodation. The relevant Scottish Government More Homes Division area team, or TMDF authority in the case of Edinburgh and Glasgow, should be contacted to discuss such requests.

The Rural Key Workers Housing Fund is being funded separately and over a different timescale, however, we would expect the fund to be supported by the same overarching approach to acquisitions (see overarching approach to acquisitions).

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