
Delivering affordable warmth in rural Scotland: action plan

Report produced by the independent Scottish Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force setting out actions to deliver affordable warmth in rural Scotland.

Appendix 4 - Task Force Members and terms of remit

1. Remit

1.1. To develop a set of SMART actions which a) would make it significantly easier and more affordable for people living in rural and remote Scotland to keep their homes warm and b) which can be fed into the further development of fuel poverty policy and energy efficiency programmes.

1.2. The Task Force will consider issues across all sectors and tenures.

1.3. The Task Force will be a one year short life group at the end of which an action paper will be published and the group dissolved.

1.4. The work of the Task Force will be taken forward in the spirit of co-production in line with Scottish Housing Event. This will require members, between meetings, to undertake the relevant research and prepare the required papers to feed back to the wider group.

2. Membership

2.1. The Task Force will be independently chaired by Di Alexander. For the duration of the Task Force, the Chair will become a member of the Scottish Fuel Poverty Forum. The following organisations are suggested members :

  • Chair - Di Alexander - Highlands and Islands Housing Association Affordable Warmth Group
  • Vice Chair - Bob Grant - Changeworks
  • Secretariat - Scottish Government
  • Scottish Association of Landlords: Caroline Elgar
  • Scottish Land and Estates: Sarah Jane Laing/Katy Dickson
  • Citizens' Advice Scotland: Kate Morrison/Craig Salter
  • Perth and Kinross Council: John Cruickshank/Andrew White
  • Energy Action Scotland: Norrie Kerr
  • Energy Saving Trust: Mike Thornton
  • Tighean Innse Gall: Stewart Wilson
  • Highlands and Islands Enterprise: Alastair Nicolson
  • Eildon HA: Nile Istephan
  • Lochalsh and Sky HA: Donnie Mackay
  • Scottish Rural College Professor: Sarah Skerratt
  • Home Energy Scotland: Thane Lawrie, SCARF - Liz Marquis, The Energy Agency
  • NHS Scotland - Fuel Poverty Coordinator: Mary MacLean
  • NHS Western Isles
  • OFGEM (Observer): Shona Fisher
  • Ali Energy: Mandie Currie
  • Fintry Development Trust: Matthew Black
  • Rural Housing Scotland: Derek Logie
  • OIC: Steven Aberdein
  • SIC: Mary Lisk
  • Dumfries and Galloway Council: Chris Wood-Gee

Total - 22 members plus Chair and Secretariat

2.2. Utility Companies will be invited to attend specific meetings as required.

2.3. Other relevant stakeholder groups will be invited to specific meetings as required

3. Secretariat

3.1 Scottish Government will provide secretariat with additional support from members where required.

3.2 Agenda and papers will be circulated one week in advance of meetings

3.3 Minutes of meetings will be circulated to the Fuel Poverty Forum and the Joint Housing Delivery Plan Group.

4. Meeting schedule

4.1 Meetings will be held at least every 2 months in a location agreed by the members. It is expected that most will be held in Scottish Government offices. Most meetings will be held in the central belt with at least one being held in Inverness and one in South West Scotland. Video/Teleconference facilities will be made available to minimise the need for travel where possible. Members will be responsible for their own travel costs.

5. Decision Making

5.1 In the spirit of co-production all members of the Task Force are expected to actively contribute by engaging in discussions at meetings, commenting on papers circulated and by preparing documents and drafting reports.

5.2 Sub-groups may be established and dissolved as directed by the Chair. Any subgroup established shall minute their meetings and report back on findings to the Task Force.

5.3 Decisions and subsequent actions will be recorded within the notes of the Task Force's meeting.


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