
Active Scotland Delivery Group minutes: January 2019

Minutes from the meeting of the Active Scotland Delivery Group, held on 16 January 2019.

Attendees and apologies


  • Joe FitzPatrick MSP, Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing (Chair)
  • Laura Murdoch, Director for Sustainable and Active travel – Scottish Government
  • Mike Roberts, Director of Sports Development, sportscotland
  • Alan Armstrong, Strategic Director, Education Scotland
  • George Dodds, Director of Health Equity, NHS Health Scotland
  • Francesca Osowska, Chief Executive, Scottish Natural Heritage
  • Derek Grieve, Active Scotland Division - Scottish Government
  • Vicki McKechnie, Active Scotland Division (Minutes)
  • Ellie Henderson, Active Scotland Division
  • Caspian Richards, Active Scotland Division


  • Stewart Harris -  CEO, sportscotland 

Items and actions

1. Welcome and introductions

The Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing welcomed everyone to the second meeting of the Active Scotland Delivery Group.

Introductions were made and apologies noted.

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the group.

2. Feedback from first Development Group

Caspian provided a brief overview of the first meeting from the Development Group, and reported that the Development Group had identified initial priorities for the Group’s work as being to map out the range of activities at local level to support people in Scotland to become more active, and to develop a logic model showing how existing activities contribute to the Active Scotland Outcomes and identify gaps. The Delivery Group welcomed the proposed focus on these activities.

The Delivery Group discussed coordinating with the Development Group through an annual joint event. It was suggested that this joint event should include a visit to an initiative one of the partners is running. 

Action 2.1- Secretariat to develop proposals for the annual joint event which include a visit to a relevant initiative providing an opportunity to see partnership working in practice.

3. Active Scotland Delivery Plan – progress update 

Caspian introduced the Progress Update Paper. Members agreed that this was a good format for reports, and also wish to see a forward look section to help partners in co-ordinating on future activities. 

Action 3.1- Secretariat to include a Forward Look section in future Progress Reports with input from all Delivery Group members.

4. In depth discussion on Empowering Sustainable Communities 

A discussion on Empowering Sustainable Communities took place, with members providing updates on a wide range of work they are doing and discussing opportunities and challenges. 

The group identified that it would be helpful to take a closer look at what each partner is doing in a specific local context, in order to consider whether their efforts are sufficiently joined-up, whether there are overlaps or gaps between their different initiatives, and how they can co-ordinate more effectively to support local partners. It was agreed that identifying the range of investment, infrastructure and initiatives which partners are involved in in Glasgow should be the initial focus, and a paper prepared for the Delivery Group to consider at its next meeting. 

Action 4.1- Active Scotland to organise a meeting to take stock of what partners are doing at a local level in the Glasgow area and prepare a paper summarising this for the next Delivery Group meeting. 

5. Discussion: topics for future meetings

The group discussed a Scottish Swimming paper on how effective partnership working could help deliver the goal of every child in Scotland learning how to swim. The Minister indicated that he wished to meet Scottish Swimming to discuss the issues raised, and asked officials to organise.

The Group also agreed that the in-depth discussion format was helpful, and agreed that the topic for the next meeting would be inequalities.  

Action 5.1- Active Scotland to arrange meeting between Minister, Scottish Swimming, and sportscotland.

6. AOB and next meeting

The group will meet on Wednesday 15 May 2019 at St. Andrews House, Edinburgh.



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Active Scotland
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