
Active Scotland Delivery Group minutes: May 2019

Minutes from the meeting of the Active Scotland Delivery Group, held on 15 May 2019.

Attendees and apologies


  • Joe FitzPatrick MSP, Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing (Chair)
  • Laura Murdoch, Director for Bus, Accessibility and Active travel – Scottish Government
  • Stewart Harris, CEO - sportscotland
  • Alan Armstrong , Strategic Director - Education Scotland
  • George Dodds, Director of Health Equity - NHS Health Scotland
  • Pete Rawcliffe, Activity Manager – Place making for people and nature, Scottish Natural Heritage
  • Andy Sinclair, Active Scotland Division - Scottish Government
  • Vicki McKechnie, Active Scotland Division - Scottish Government (Minutes)
  • Ellie Henderson, Active Scotland Division - Scottish Government
  • Niall Taylor, Active Scotland Division - Scottish Government


  • Francesca Osowska,  Chief Executive, Scottish Natural Heritage

Items and actions

1. Welcome and introductions

The Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing welcomed members, introductions were made and apologies noted.

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the group

2. Feedback from latest Development Group meeting

Niall Taylor provided an update on the work of the Active Scotland Development Group. Its next meeting will include a discussion on transport and health with presentations from Lee Craigie, Active Nation Commissioner and Adrian Davis, Professor of Transport and Health at Edinburgh Napier University.

The meeting will also include a workshop on adapting the World Health Organisation (WHO) system map for physical activity to the context in Scotland. The workshop will be facilitated by colleagues from WHO including Professor Fiona Bull.  The Delivery Group noted the importance of this workshop and members expressed an interest in attending.

Action 2.1- Secretariat to check with the Chair of the Development Group whether Delivery Group members can join the meeting on the 11 June 2019.

3. Delivery plan progress update 

The Group discussed the progress update paper and members provided further detail on the actions which had been provided by their organisations.  

Stewart Harris provided an update on the new sportscotland Corporate Strategy and discussed the results of their consultation which had over 1,200 responses and is still ongoing. A key theme of the consultation responses was the need for improved partnership working. 

Alan Armstrong informed the Group that Eilidh Doyle would join Education Scotland in July acting as a champion for Education Scotland’s approach on Health and Well-being. Eilidh’s role will involve developing collaboration across Local Authorities.  

Laura Murdoch provided the group with an update on work that she is taking forward in Transport Scotland noting the importance of bringing together the range of activities taking place into a more coherent structure. 

Action 3.1- Stewart Harris will hold in-depth conversations with each organisation represented on the Delivery Group to identify better ways of working in partnership, and follow up with clear commitments to be reflected in the sportscotland business plan.

Action 3.2- Transport Scotland and Education Scotland will arrange a meeting between Eilidh Doyle and Lee Craigie to discuss common issues.

Action 3.3- George Dodds will ensure that the Delivery Group is updated on the establishment of the new public health body.

4. Empowering Sustainable Communities – report on workshop

Niall Taylor introduced the report of the Glasgow workshop on Empowering Sustainable Communities which had been requested by the Delivery Group at its previous meeting. The purpose of the workshop was to take a closer look at the work being undertaken by each partner in a specific local context; to consider whether their efforts are sufficiently joined-up; to examine whether there are overlaps or gaps between their different initiatives; and identify how they can co-ordinate more effectively to support local partners.

The Delivery Group  agreed that the workshop report was valuable and made a number of very strong statements about the requirements of working effectively with communities which will help to inform their organisations’ approaches. The Group agreed that it would be useful to hold a similar workshop looking at a rural area, to compare and contrast with the findings from an urban setting. 

Action 4.1- Secretariat will develop plans for a second workshop on working with communities, this time exploring the issues in a rural context.

5. Addressing Inequalities paper

The group agreed that the supporting paper was a useful summary of some key actions being undertaken across Scotland while suggesting that it might have benefitted from a narrative approach which identified the coherence between the range of activities described.

The group agreed that a future meeting of the group should revisit this issue.

6. AOB and next meeting

The group will meet on Wednesday 11 September 2019 at St. Andrew’s House, Edinburgh. The theme for in-depth discussion will be ‘Place’. The Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government and relevant officials will be invited to attend

Action 6.1- Active Scotland to invite the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government and relevant officials to attend the next meeting.

Action Summary

Number Action  Lead
2.1 Check with the Chair of the Development Group whether Delivery Group members can join the meeting on the 11 June 2019. Secretariat
3.1 Hold in-depth conversations with each organisation represented on the Delivery Group to identify better ways of working in partnership, and follow up with clear commitments to be reflected in the sportscotland business plan. Stewart Harris
3.2 Transport Scotland and Education Scotland to arrange a meeting between Eilidh Doyle and Lee Craigie to discuss common issues. Alan Armstrong

Ensure that the Delivery Group is updated on the establishment of the new public health body.

George Dodds
4.1 Develop plans for a second workshop on working with communities, this time exploring the issues in a rural context. Secretariat
6.1 Invite the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government and relevant officials to attend the next meeting Secretariat



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Active Scotland
Area 3J North Victoria Quay

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