
Active Scotland Delivery Plan

Plan setting out actions that we and our partners are undertaking, working together to encourage and support people in Scotland to be more active, more often.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The headline measure of progress is the proportion of the population meeting the recommended level of physical activity. This is a National Indicator and contributes to the Scottish Government National Outcome "We live longer, healthier lives."

We will also continue to measure our progress through a range of more detailed indicators which support each of the Active Scotland Outcomes. A substantial revision and expansion of these indicators has been approved by the National Strategic Group on Physical Activity and Sport, following a detailed review carried out by its Evidence Sub-group. Data for new indicators within the set will become available from autumn 2018. These will be published on the Scottish Government Active Scotland Outcomes Framework web pages at:

The Active Scotland Delivery Group (see Leadership and Evidence above) will use these new indicators to as part of its role to monitor delivery of the actions in this plan and assess overall progress against the outcomes. Each of the actions in the plan identifies an organisation which will take responsibility for reporting on progress to the Delivery Group. The Delivery Group will report to the Minister for Public Health and Sport who will also chair the group. In many cases, delivery will involve a range of activities undertaken by a collection of partners. We expect that the lead organisation will liaise with these partners in delivering and reporting progress on the actions.

The Active Scotland Development Group will provide a challenge function to the Active Scotland Delivery Group by taking an overview of the programme of work as a whole and considering its further development, identifying new approaches or actions for the Delivery Group to consider and advise on development of policy in line with up to date evidence.

We will also support the on-going development and roll-out of a toolkit to assist a wide range of organisations in identifying the outcomes they are seeking to achieve and to monitor progress towards these.


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