
Active Scotland Delivery Plan

Plan setting out actions that we and our partners are undertaking, working together to encourage and support people in Scotland to be more active, more often.

The Active Scotland Outcomes Framework

Vision: A More Active Scotland

Physical activity is about getting people moving. Daily walking, playing in a park, going to a gym, training with a team or aspiring to win a gold medal – it doesn’t really matter how people get active, it just matters that we do.

Being physically active contributes to our personal, community and national wellbeing.

Our vision is of a Scotland where more people are more active, more often.

National Outcomes

  • Business
  • Employment
  • Research and Innovation
  • Young People
  • Early Years
  • Healthier
  • Inequalities Tackled
  • Life Chances
  • Safe from Crime
  • Sustainable Places
  • Resilient Communities
  • Environment Valued
  • National Identity
  • Impact on Environment
  • Older People Supported
  • Public Services

Active Scotland Outcomes

  • We encourage and enable the inactive to be more active
  • We encourage and enable the active to stay active throughout life
  • We develop physical confidence and competence from the earliest age
  • We improve our active infrastructure people and place
  • We support wellbeing and resilience in communities through physical activity and sport
  • We improve opportunities to participate, progress and achieve in sport

Equality - Our commitment to equality underpins everything we do

The Active Scotland Outcomes Framework sets out the shared vision and goals which have shaped the approach the Scottish Government and a wide range of partner organisations have taken to supporting and enabling people in Scotland to be more physically active. This has enabled us to build a cross-government commitment to the importance of physical activity and sport in achieving a wide range of outcomes, gaining international recognition for this integrated and ambitious approach.

We are determined to go further and achieve more, both by continuing to drive efforts across government and our public sector partners to develop co-ordinated and innovative approaches, and by enabling and facilitating the wide range of others – third sector organisations, communities, individuals – who play crucial roles in making the practical changes that the above set of outcomes describes.

Our work to date in developing and working to implement the Active Scotland Outcomes Framework means that Scotland is particularly well-placed to meet the challenges set out in the World Health Organization's Global Action Plan on Physical Activity [2] . This Delivery Plan sets out how the actions to achieve our shared outcomes align with the objectives set out in the WHO Global Action Plan.

Our outcomes approach and the range of specific actions set out in this Delivery Plan draw on the growing body of international evidence on what works in practice to get people active. This tells us that there is no single solution to increasing physical activity, but multiple concurrent approaches are needed. As summarised in 'Investments that Work for Physical Activity' [3] , a complementary document to the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity, the types of approaches which the evidence suggests work in practice involve integrated working across multiple systems and settings: education, transport, planning, healthcare, communications, communities, and sport. This is the basis for the partnership approach we are taking in Scotland, and the range of actions set out in the Delivery Plan across and between these different systems.

It is also clear that strong and visible leadership and commitment are needed to prioritise the promotion of physical activity and secure the active engagement of multiple sectors at all levels. Individuals can provide leadership by acting as exemplars, actively championing the recommended policy actions and change required.


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