
Active Scotland Delivery Plan

Plan setting out actions that we and our partners are undertaking, working together to encourage and support people in Scotland to be more active, more often.

Outcome 3: We develop physical confidence and competence from the earliest age

We want all of Scotland's children and young people to have the opportunity to experience the joys of movement, and the social, emotional and physical wellbeing that comes through play and with leading an active lifestyle. This approach enhances learning, creates happy memories, and forms good habits which can last throughout life if supported.

We recognise the important role of parents and carers as facilitators of children's active play from the very start of their child's life, helping the development of basic movement skills and fostering positive attitudes towards physical activity.

We aim to ensure that Scotland's children and young people develop the physical confidence and competence required for a foundation of lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. This means providing a range of opportunities to explore different kinds of play and physical activity and sport; encouragement in developing skills in a safe and supportive environment; and help in overcoming barriers to participation. It also means supporting teachers and others in key roles working with children and young people to raise awareness of the benefits of physical activity, and increase their confidence in integrating physical activity into their work.

Key Achievements

  • Recognising the importance of physical activity for children, we have invested £11.6 million between 2012 and 2016 in supporting schools to meet our P.E. commitment of two hours (primary pupils) and two periods (secondary pupils S1 – S4) per week. As a result, the percentage of schools meeting this commitment has risen from 10% in 2004/5 to 99% in 2018.
  • We have established a Sporting Equality Fund of £300,000 which aims to increase the number of women and girls who participate in sport in Scotland using insight and evidence around what works.

Our Actions

1. We will continue to develop and disseminate the Play@home programme throughout Scotland as a means of promoting positive parenting, child development and physical literacy from birth ( NHS Health Scotland).

2. We will ensure that outdoor learning is a focus for our pledge to increase the provision of free early learning and childcare provision to 1140 hours per year by 2020 (Active Scotland).

3. We will develop the physical confidence and competence of children and young people by:

  • Co-ordinating and promoting good practice on physical activity and outdoor play, to ensure that communities have places and spaces where children can play safely outside (Directorate for Children and Families, Scottish Government);
  • Continuing to invest in supporting schools to meet our P.E. commitment of two hours or periods per week (Education Scotland);
  • Working in partnership with local authorities to support the Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport agenda as part of the Curriculum for Excellence (sportscotland);
  • Co-ordinating activity around Active Girls Day and Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week to encourage participation (Active Scotland);
  • Promoting the health and wellbeing and the achievement/attainment benefits of Physical Activity and Sport, by supporting teachers to understand the benefits of physical activity and signpost them to sharing good practices across schools in receipt of the Pupil Equity Fund, as part of the equity agenda (Education Scotland);
  • Increasing female participation in physical activity through the projects funded under the Sporting Equality Fund (Active Scotland);
  • Continuing to support active travel programmes in schools, such as Cycle-friendly Schools, WoW via Living Streets, I Bike, Bikeability and Play on Pedals for early years (Transport Scotland).

4. We will support coaches, deliverers and volunteers working with young people to gain skills in developing physical literacy through multi-skills training (sportscotland).

5. We will give young people a stronger voice in sport and physical activity policy-making and in co-designing improvements to programmes which affect their lives. In doing so, and by changing perceptions and negative stereotypes of young people held by some in society, and changing the country's relationship with our young people, we aim to create a lasting legacy beyond 2018 Year of Young People (Scottish Government).


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