
Adaptations, aids and equipment: advice note

This note sets out the requirements to delegate housing adaptations, amongst some other housing related functions, to Integration Authorities.

Annex A Legislation Relating to Adaptations Affected by Integration


Applies to

What it does

Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968, section 12

All tenures

Puts general duties on local authorities to assess and meet eligible needs for adaptations. No distinction is made between equipment and adaptations in this legislation.

Housing Scotland Act 2001, section 92

In so far as it relates to an aid or adaptation

All tenures

This allows a local authority to provide assistance to a housing association (RSL) or to any other person concerned with providing adaptations. That assistance can take the form of grants, indemnities, guarantees, providing advice, training, information and commissioning research.

Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 section 71(1)(b)

In so far as it relates to an aid or adaptation

Private sector (Home owners and tenants)

Sets the scope and levels of mandatory grant for adaptations for people in the private sector, and puts a duty on local authorities to provide assistance, through the Scheme of Assistance, were adaptation are not covered by grant.

Current Arrangements for Undertaking and Funding Housing Adaptations

Private sector housing

Social Rented Tenants

Owner occupier

Private rented sector tenant

Local Authority tenant

Housing Association Tenants

Funding source

Local Authority private sector grant funding

Housing Revenue Account

Housing Association adaptations funding (Scottish Government or Local Authority in Glasgow & Edinburgh), Housing Association maintenance budgets

Level of funding

80 or 100%

80 or 100%


Up to 100%

Access to funding

Local Authority private sector teams, or grants officers

Local Authority housing service

Housing Association

Management of process

Local Authority private sector teams/grants officers

or Care and Repair

or individual owner or tenant

Local Authority housing or property service

Housing Association



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