
Adaptations, aids and equipment: advice note

This note sets out the requirements to delegate housing adaptations, amongst some other housing related functions, to Integration Authorities.

8. Adaptations Working Group

The Adaptations Working Group (AWG) report[6] of 2012, and the Scottish Government's response, recognised that the current arrangements for adaptations are in need of substantial change and improvement. The AWG recommended the development of a tenure neutral approach, which places improved outcomes for the individual at the centre. Specifically the report noted that:

"Leadership [from the local housing authority] would involve working with the new health and social care partnerships to:

  • Develop a strategy which is "tenure neutral", with clear outcomes and priorities for housing adaptations, and which complements and supports wider housing, health and social care strategies. This should be incorporated into the Local Housing Strategy, the Joint Commissioning Strategy and the Housing Contribution Statement."

This approach was welcomed by Scottish Government and 5 Adapting for Change demonstration sites (Fife, Lochaber, Falkirk, Borders and Aberdeen) are now in place to develop and test key aspects of the approach recommended by the working group. The test sites will be evaluated and the evidence used initially to inform consultation with stakeholders and thereafter to shape new guidance.



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