Additional powers request: how to apply

Guidance and forms for relevant local authorities for submitting applications under the Additional Powers (Scotland) Regulations 2019.

An additional powers request should be submitted to the Scottish Government’s Local Government Policy and Relationships Team. You can contact the Scottish Government switchboard on 0300 244 4000 and they will direct you to the appropriate contacts.

Requests will be the responsibility of the Minister or Ministers whose portfolio is responsible for the additional power that is requested, supported by the relevant Scottish Government policy team. 

Upon receipt of an additional powers request, a check will be carried out to ensure the request contains all the required information and documentation. If it does not, then the requesting local authority will be notified within ten working days of receipt and advised what is still required to be submitted. 


If the Scottish Ministers are satisfied that all the information has been provided, then an acknowledgment to the requesting local authority will be provided within ten working days of a valid application being received. 

Publication of documents

A notice containing details of an additional powers request and the supporting documentation must be published and made available for inspection online. This will be put on the Scottish Government website within ten working days of a valid application being received. A copy of the notice must also be sent to the other relevant local authorities. Regulation 9(2) outlines the information that will be included in the notice, including how representations on the request may be made.


In the event that the Scottish Ministers receive written representations from interested parties, a copy will be shared with the requesting local authority, which then has the opportunity to make comments to the Scottish Ministers on those representations. Copies of any representations received must also be published and made available for inspection online by the Scottish Ministers as soon as practicable following receipt.  



Any comments, questions or suggestions about this guidance can be directed to the Local Government Policy and Relationships Team at the Scottish Government. You can contact the Scottish Government switchboard on 0300 244 4000 and they will direct you to the appropriate contacts. 

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