Additional powers request: how to apply
Guidance and forms for relevant local authorities for submitting applications under the Additional Powers (Scotland) Regulations 2019.
A standard form for an additional powers request is provided with this guide. This is intended to help a requesting local authority (the relevant local authority that makes the additional powers request) ensure it provides all the information needed for a valid request, but using this form is not mandatory. A requesting local authority can choose to make the application in any format it deems appropriate for its additional powers request.
The Regulations specify that an additional powers request must be made in writing and require that certain information be provided as set out in regulation 6(2). The standard form can be used as a check list to ensure all relevant information has been included in the request.
Any comments, questions or suggestions about this guidance can be directed to the Local Government Policy and Relationships Team at the Scottish Government. You can contact the Scottish Government switchboard on 0300 244 4000 and they will direct you to the appropriate contacts.
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