Additional Support for Learning Network minutes: August 2024

Minutes of the Additional Support for Learning Network meeting in August 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Scottish Government (Chair)
  • National Autistic Society
  • Children in Scotland
  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
  • Scottish Qualifications Authority
  • Connect
  • Scottish Autism
  • Education Scotland
  • Health Visitor
  • Additional Support for Learning Lead Officers
  • National Autism Implementation Team
  • CALL Scotland
  • Scottish Traveller Education Programme
  • Association of Principal Education Psychologists
  • Dyslexia Scotland
  • Sense Scotland
  • Comann nan Pàrant


  • Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
  • Scottish Network for Highly Able Pupils
  • Teaching and lived experience of Autism, Dyslexia and ADHD
  • Children’s Health
  • Sight Scotland
  • Govan Law Centre
  • Association of Directors of Education in Scotland
  • Secure Care (Good Shepherd)
  • The Scottish Sensory Centre
  • Children’s Health Scotland
  • Allied Health Professions Federation Scotland
  • Enable Scotland

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

The Chair welcomed members to the meeting of the Additional Support for Learning Network, held virtually over Microsoft Teams, and noted apologies. It was noted that the previous Chair of the Network, National Parent Forum Scotland (NPFS), have stepped down from their role on the Network. The Supporting Learners’ team will be in touch with members to confirm a new Chair of the Network going forward.

Minute of last meeting

Minutes from the last meeting had been issued to members and comments had been sought. Members confirmed they were content the minute was an accurate record of the meeting.

An update was provided on the action from the previous meeting.

ASL Network members were to contact the Supporting Learners' team with case study examples for including in the ASL Action Plan Progress Report. Members were thanked for sharing examples, it was noted the progress report would be discussed in more detail during this meeting.

ASL Action Plan Progress Report

The Chair introduced this item to the Network. The progress report has been through several stages of clearance, including from the ASL Project Board and is shared with the Network today to seek feedback including any major errors, omissions and/or areas that could be strengthened. The report is a retrospective up-date on progress made against actions during the reporting period November 2022 to June 2024. It therefore does not address the Education Children and Young People (ECYP) committee report, however the Project Board have discussed this and where appropriate, updates will be incorporated within the action plan, which will be published alongside the progress report.

The progress report has been structured in a way that aligns with the Morgan review, addressing the 9 key themes and the progress made against them during the 18 months period. Case studies have been included throughout the report to showcase the work that has taken place. The Chair invited members to provide their comments.

It was noted that the layout mentions use of recommendations, sub-recommendations and actions which may be confusing to the reader, and that it would be helpful to clarify what these are. It may also be helpful to include a table to articulate how the 76 actions relate to the 9 key themes in the progress report.

Members queried if they could be presented with the ASL action plan, noting the progress report is in final stages of clearance that it would be good to have timely and meaningful input into the action plan before the final stages. It was noted that the action plan is a reference document regularly presented to the Project Board with progress against actions captured by PB members, so it would not be appropriate to share for input. Supporting Learners’ team will raise this with the Project Board, to see if the action plan can be shared with the Network for sight.


  • Supporting Learners’ to ask the Project Board if the action plan can be shared with the ASL Network.

There is work to be done on strengthening the relationship between the Network and the Project Board, the Network has vast expertise and knowledge to draw on that can provide valuable input into ongoing work. Keeping the Network sighted on ongoing work and coming to an understanding of how they are expected to engage with work needs to be done urgently.

Members noted that it would be useful to be able to provide suggested priority areas in the action plan to focus discussions on at Project Board meetings. Members raised concerns that there are fewer updates than hoped on progression of actions associated with parents, and that this could perhaps be a priority area raised to the Project Board. A robust mechanism must be in place to ensure the views and priorities of the network are connected to and represented at Project Board meetings.


  • Project Board to consider the ASL Network’s input on priority action discussions.
  • Project Board to consider a mechanism to ensure the ASL Network’s views are accurately represented at Project Board meetings.

It was noted that the progress report updates on the progression of specific actions, and concerns were raised that there is no discussion on impact included. The impact of the work against the actions should be monitored and addressed, if certain actions are not having the desired impact the reasons behind that should be addressed. This feedback was welcomed, the Network agreed with these concerns and emphasised the need for reflections on impact to be included in the progress report. There may be potential to include existing data around attainment, attendance, behaviour and look into what data can be captured from the census or NSA’s in the progress report to reflect impact.

Members expressed an interest in providing input into various pieces of work mentioned in the progress report, for example the ongoing work in relation to professional development, and the proposed letter to be drafted to local authorities to enhance communication with parents, carers and the wider profession. It was noted that the Project Board will consider the opportunity to share this work with the Network.


  • Project Board to consider how the Network can be involved in specific work highlighted in the progress report.

Members were asked to contact the Supporting Learners’ team via correspondence with any further comments or considerations on strengthening aspects of the report. Members were thanked for their input, discussions today will be raised at the next Project Board meeting.


  • Network members to contact Supporting Learners’ with any further feedback on the progress report via correspondence.

Any other business

The Chair provided an update on the National Measurement Framework (NMF). The sub-group of the ASL Project Board leading on the NMF have looked through existing data on ASL relating to attainment and achievement and have submitted a draft business case to secure SG analytical services support for the creation of a dashboard to support access to data at a national level. When progress has been made the Network will be updated via correspondence.

Audit Scotland are currently undertaking an enquiry into additional support for learning and are engaging with colleagues across the sector with a particular interest in data. The current intention is for publication of their findings in early 2025.


  • An update on the NMF to be provided via correspondence if ready before the Network meet next.

Date of next meeting

The ASL Network will meet next on the 12 November 2024.



Scottish Government

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