
Additional Support for Learning Project Board minutes: July 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group on the 31 July 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) (Chair)
  • Scottish Government (SG)
  • Education Scotland (ES)
  • Association of Scottish Principal Education Psychologists (ASPEP)
  • Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES)
  • SG Early Learning and Childcare Team (SG ELC)
  • National Autism Implementation Team (NAIT)
  • Allied Health Professional Leads
  • SG Supporting Learners’ Team (SG)
  • Audit Scotland (Observer)


  • Socity of Local Authortiy Chief Executives (SOLACE)
  • Social Work Scotland
  • Grant Aided Special Schools (GASS)
  • ADES Early Years
  • Education Institute of Scotland (EIS)


Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

The Chair welcomed members to the meeting of the Additional Support for Learning (ASL) Project Board. The Chair thanked members who had travelled to attend in person, and those members who were attending virtually. The Chair welcomed the new Unit head in the Scottish Government focussing on additional support for learning policy, who was attending for the first time. Apologies were noted.

Minutes from previous meeting

Members considered the draft minute of the meeting of 29 May 2024. The Board accepted the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting. The following updates were provided on the actions agreed at the last meeting. Members were to consider the draft Progress Report and provide comments or feedback by 19 June 2024, thanks were passed to those who were in touch to provide comments on the progress report. SG were to liaise with ARC Scotland to source their work on positive transitions. Information on ARC Scotland’s principle in practice framework, a framework with the goal of improving young people with ASN transition into adult life, has been included in the Progress Report due to be presented today. The Supporting Learners Team were to consider the May ASL Project Board meeting discussions and draft a response to the ECYP committee, this was completed and a Scottish Government response to the committee report was published on the 18th July.

ASL Action Plan & Progress Report

The Supporting Learners’ team introduced this item to the Board. The ASL action plan was discussed first. It was proposed that the action plan be presented differently to the previous version published in November 2022 – this time set out against the 9 key themes and sub-recommendations highlighted in the Morgan review, removing references to the November 2022 update. This action plan was proposed to be a high level reference document to be used alongside the progress report.

It was noted that whilst the response to the Education, Children and Young People Committee inquiry into additional support for learning would not be referenced in the progress report, that there was scope to emphasise actions the Project Board will strengthen in the action plan in light of those recommendations. This will be discussed in more detail at the next meeting of the ASL Project Board.

Members of the Project Board agreed to proceed with this approach, noting the importance of bringing the Morgan review recommendations back to the forefront of the work. It was also noted as inclusion and equalities is embedded across a wide range of work that there is an opportunity to link the action plan through connections with the Promise and work with Children and Families. This could possibly be achieved in an introduction to the action plan.

The progress report was presented to the Board. It was noted that this progress report covers the reporting period of November 2022 – June 2024 and provides a retrospective update on progress made during this period. The progress report contains a summary of progress made against the 9 key themes identified though the Morgan review. The report also sets out how many actions have been completed and how many are still ongoing. Case studies have been included throughout the report to demonstrate the impact of the work against the actions, and to promote areas of work that have worked well.

Members noted the structure works well, though that there could be a better balance of case studies throughout the report to ensure a wide range of work is effectively presented. The mapping exercise produced by Project Board members capturing the breadth of policy development that is aligned to additional support for learning has been included in the progress report. It was highlighted that this would be better presented on a different page as a larger image to make it more visible. Members identified minor changes to be made through the progress report, but were largely happy with the content included.

The conclusion summarises the work that has been done in the last 18 months and identifies 3 key areas of focus for the ASL Project Board for the next reporting period up to March 2026. Subject to minor amendments the Project Board were content to approve the progress report be presented to SG and COSLA decision makers for further clearance. Members were thanked for their input.

ACTION: ECYP Committee response to be discussed at Project Board September meeting.

ACTION: Supporting learners to finalise progress report following Project Board comments and issue to COSLA colleagues for COSLA Children and Young People Board clearance.

Sub-group updates

The Training and Resources sub-group continue to work on the development of a national professional framework led by Education Scotland, and have highlighted several next steps for improvement including the improvement of signposting and access of resources for educators. The sub-group will meet again on the school term return.

The Monitoring and Analysis sub-group have paused their meetings whilst they wait for work to progress. A business case has been drafted and submitted to secure SG analytical services support for the creation of a dashboard to support access to data at a national level. ADES will meet with Education Scotland to produce an update paper on the range of discussions and information gathered over the past year that will set out the current position, availability of data and a timeline for deliverables in relation to the measurement framework. This paper will be brought to the sub-group for initial consideration and to the Project Board following that.

The Operational and Communications sub-group note the upcoming publication of the ASL action plan and progress report and will begin consideration on how it can be promoted. It was noted it would be helpful to draft a set of text for Project Board members to share with their networks to promote the publication. COSLA as chair of the sub-group will draft this text and share with members. SG agreed to begin a first draft of a joint letter focused around improving communications and engagement, including proposed improvement such as the updating of school handbooks. SG noted they would look into what involvement their minister could have in a potential launch. Education Scotland noted their comms team would also be keen to be involved in promoting the work, if enough notice is provided social media promotion could be arranged.

ACTION: COSLA to draft promotional text to be issued to networks alongside the publication of the ASL action plan and progress report.

ACTION: SG to draft a joint letter on improving communications and engagement.

Any other business

The ASL Network met on the 30th April. The Network agreed on increasing meeting frequency to meet on 3 occasions per year, and updated their membership. The Network’s terms of reference reflects these changes. The Network were updated on work in relation to the ASL Action Plan and ECYP committee. Children in Scotland provided the Network with an update on the work undertaken by the young ambassadors on relationships and behaviour in schools. The young ambassadors sought information on what is, and is not, working well in managing and supporting behaviour and how it could be improved moving forward.

Members were encouraged to get in touch with the Supporting Learners’ team if they had any proposed items for the next Network meeting taking place on the 27th August. Members proposed giving the Network sight of the ASL Action Plan progress report, and potentially looking into how we can work with the Network to promote it once published.

Members were thanked for their input.

ACTION: ASL Action Plan progress report to be added to next ASL Network meeting agenda.   

Date of next meeting

The Project Board will meet on the following dates:

  • September 12th 2024
  • November 21st 2024


Scottish Government


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