
Additional Support for Learning Project Board minutes: March 2023

Minutes from the meeting of the group on the 27 March 2023.

Attendees and apologies

  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA);
  • Scottish Government (SG);
  • Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES);
  • Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS);
  • Education Scotland (ES);
  • Association of Scottish Principal Educational Psychologists (ASPEP);
  • National Autism Implementation Team (NAIT);
  • National Parent Forum Scotland (NPFS);
  • Social Work Scotland (SWS);
  • Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE);
  • Grant Aided Special Schools (GASS);
  • SG Early Learning and Childcare team;
  • SG Supporting Learners’ team.


  • Public Health Scotland (PHS);
  • Children in Scotland (CiS).

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

The Chair welcomed members to the meeting of the Additional Support for Learning (ASL) Project Board. The Chair then thanked members that travelled to attend in person, and members who attended virtually.

The Chair noted that the Board’s representative from Social Work Scotland has a new role so will no longer sit on the Project Board. The Chair thanked them for their contributions and work during their time on the Board and welcomed Social Work Scotland’s interim representative.  A permanent representative is being sought.

Minutes from previous meeting

Members considered the draft minute of the 30 January meeting by correspondence and these were agreed.  During the meeting, some further minor amendments were suggested and have been reflected in the finalised version. Subject to these changes, the minutes were then agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and will be published on the Scottish Government’s website. The following updates were provided on the actions agreed at the last meeting.

The Supporting Learners' team identified actions to be prioritised in the Project Plan, this will be presented to the Board during agenda item 3. The Supporting Learners' team followed up on the ASL Project Board sub-groups through correspondence and prepared a paper to be discussed during agenda item 4.

The Chair updated members that the Scottish Government, COSLA and ADES representatives met to discuss the National Measurement Framework (NMF) in more detail. A further draft of the measurement framework will be presented to the ASL Project Board and Network for consideration in due course. 

Project plan

The Supporting Learners’ team introduced this item to the Board. The Project Plan was shared in advance of this meeting.

The Supporting Learners’ team have taken on Board members’ feedback on the project plan, provided at the last Project Board meeting, and updated the document. They have also reviewed the action plan and set out which actions they believe should be of priority, and assigned owners to each of the actions. The Project Board sub-groups now have actions in the plan mapped against them. These will be discussed further in detail once the sub groups are fully established.

Members were asked to review the plan and provide updates to the Supporting Learners’ team on action ownership, priority and to contribute to specific actions where members feel necessary.


  • Project Board members to provide the Supporting Learners’ team with written updates on the actions in the Project Plan by 21st April.

ASL Project Board sub groups

The Supporting Learners’ team introduced this item to the Board. A paper was shared in advance of the meeting.

The Supporting Learners’ team reviewed the action plan and mapped outstanding actions against each of the 3 sub-groups envisaged in the Project Board’s role and responsibilities. These actions have only been assigned to sub groups where there is a clear added value to delivery. Actions currently being led by other groups were not assigned to the three sub groups.

It was noted that the guidance element of the Guidance, training and resources sub group overlapped with existing working groups on the ASL Code of Practice refresh and Physical Intervention. To avoid duplication, it was proposed this sub group is renamed to focus on training and resources. The existing working groups focused on guidance will provide updates directly to the ASL Project Board. The 3 sub groups and their key responsibilities are as follows:

  1. Operational and Communication
  • Delivery of communication and engagement plan to ensure visibility and awareness of additional support for learning policy and delivery of ASL Action Plan
  1. Training and resources
  • Build on the suite of professional learning resources available to school staff to support children and young people with additional support needs.
  1. Monitoring and analysis
  • Development, publication and review of the National Measurement Framework.

Project Board members were content to agree the establishment of the 3 proposed sub groups and the amended focus of the second sub group.

Chairs and members for each group were sought. Some members put their names forward at the meeting to join and Chair the sub groups, they were also offered the option to consider and follow up with the Supporting Learners’ team outside the meeting. Education Scotland offered to Chair sub-group 2, Training and Resources. ADES offered to Chair sub-group 3, Monitoring and Analysis. The Chair will be responsible for providing the Project Board with updates on the sub groups’ associated actions. Each sub group will be responsible in agreeing a workplan and their meeting frequency.


  • Project Board members to note interest in joining any sub group to the Supporting Learners’ team by 14th April.
  • The Project Board’s published role and responsibility paper will be updated to reflect the amended focus of sub group 2.

Risk register

The Supporting Learners’ team introduced this item to the Board. A paper was shared in advance of the meeting.

The Risk Register will be updated regularly and tabled as a recurring item on future meeting agendas.

The Supporting Learners’ team have identified 4 more risks in addition to the 3 risks identified at the previous Project Board meeting. Board members highlighted the importance of ensuring we recognise all aspects of each risk. Members were invited to identify any missing risks and consider if they agreed the risks and their risk level already were accurate. Members were content with the Risk Register in its current state, subject to any additional comments provided following the meeting.

It was noted it could be helpful to liaise with colleagues who own a risk register in other areas of work to create links and share learning.


  • Project Board members to provide the Supporting Learners’ team with written comments on the Risk Register by 21st April.

ASL Action Plan progress report

The Supporting Learners’ team introduced this item to the Board. A paper was shared in advance of the meeting.

Planning has begun to ensure a streamlined reporting process is put in place for the ASL Action Plan update due in May 2024. This offers the Project Board and key delivery partners more opportunities to contribute to the report. This includes the draft report being presented at a Project Board meeting on 3 separate occasions, and to Scottish Ministers and the COSLA Children and Young People Board following that, to consider and clear. Work will begin on establishing a working draft of the report in June. The Supporting Learners’ team will engage with partners to produce this, and will bring the draft report to the Project Board in November 2023 as their first opportunity to review as a group. Any gaps in information will be identified at that point and updates will be formally requested.

Members were content with the plan and the proposed key dates. No further milestones were identified.

Any other business

No other business was raised.

Date of next meeting

Meeting dates for 2023 in May, July, September and November were shared with the group. The Board will meet formally 4 more times this year.

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