
Additional Support for Learning Project Board: role and remit

Role and remit of the Additional Support for Learning Project Board.


The role of the Additional Support for Learning Project Board is to support the monitoring of implementation and oversee delivery of additional support for learning and inclusion policy, including through delivery of the Additional Support for Learning (ASL) Action Plan and its associated workstreams.

The Project Board will work collaboratively to drive improvement in additional support for learning policy. Working with key stakeholders, the group will provide robust leadership and advice to the Scottish Ministers and COSLA on key issues relating to the implementation and delivery of the Additional Support for Learning Act. 

Building on the work of the Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group (ASLIG), the Project Board will monitor progress on the continued delivery of the ASL Action Plan and will drive improvement activity to achieve the meaningful change envisioned by the Additional Support for Learning Review. To ensure that every child and young person gets the support they need from childhood through to adult life, the group will have a clear focus on continued improvement and collaboration to ensure a system-wide focus on fully delivering the ASL Action Plan. 

The Project Board will provide updates to Scottish Ministers and COSLA’s Children and Young People Board.

The Project Board will meet every three months.

The strategic focus of the Project Board will be complimented by a wider stakeholder network which will meet at least every 6 months. The Project Board will link with other relevant stakeholder groups and networks as appropriate. 


The Project Board will monitor and drive delivery of all the actions set out in the ASL Action Plan to address the recommendations made by the ASL Review. 

The Project Board will:

  • provide leadership and advice to Scottish Ministers and COSLA in maintaining a strategic approach for improvement and continued effective implementation of the Additional Support for Learning Action Plan
  • monitor and evaluate delivery of the ASL Action Plan, including agreeing reporting cycles and publication of progress reports
  • have a primary focus on implementation of inclusion and additional support for learning policy, but have the ability to focus on wider partnership issues as and when required, in particular, Getting it right for every child, The Promise and empowerment of school staff
  • collaborate and seek advice from wider stakeholders and groups to support improvement activity and delivery of the ASL Action Plan
  • provide guidance and advice at all levels of the system, working across organisational and structural boundaries to support improvement and continued effective implementation of Additional Support for Learning by developing improvement priorities and ensuring those priorities are reflected at a national, local and regional level

The Project Board will agree key priorities and delivery milestones for the next phase of delivery of the ASL Action Plan. To support this, the Board will have oversight of three key workstreams:

  1. Operational and Communication
  2. Guidance, training and resources
  3. Monitoring and analysis

These workstreams will support key deliverables, including:

  • delivery of communication and engagement plan to ensure visibility and awareness of additional support for learning policy and delivery of ASL Action Plan (Workstream 1)
  • development, publication and review of the National Measurement Framework (Workstream 3)
  • continued alignment with the National Improvement Framework (Workstream 3)
  • refresh of the Code of Practice and other relevant guidance and training resources(Workstream 2)
  • engagement with Audit Scotland’s work on additional support for learning (Workstream 3)
  • publication of Included, Engaged and Involved, part 3 and other work related to Physical Intervention policy (Workstream 2)
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