
Additional Support for Learning review - action plan: third progress report

Progress report from the Scottish Government and COSLA providing an update on work undertaken since November 2022 and summarising the actions to be taken to deliver the recommendations from the review of implementation of additional support for learning.

Recommendation 7: Relationships and Behaviour

2 Actions are Completed

The ASL Project Board recognises that the education landscape has changed and continues to evolve at pace since the ASL Review and subsequently, our ASL Action plan, was published in 2020. It is important that we continue to review policy areas that interconnect with additional support for learning, to ensure that any developments remain in line with emerging knowledge and developments. One key area of focus within the ASL Action Plan is the work on relationships and behaviour in schools. ASL Project Board members engaged with the Scottish Advisory Group on Relationships and Behaviour in Schools (SAGRABIS) to review their Terms of Reference considering the Morgan Review. The remit of the group has been updated to include the provision of advice in the context of relationships and behaviour to national and local government and other relevant stakeholders on matters. This includes the development and delivery of measures to improve the educational experiences of children and young people with additional support needs.

In addition to the updated Terms of Reference, several ASL Project Board members are now represented on SAGRABIS and SAGRABIS members are also part of the the ASL Project Board. These connections at a strategic and delivery level, have created opportunities to ensure that any work that is taken forward in both policy areas is cognisant of the progress and developments taking place elsewhere. As a Project Board, we have been considering the relevant findings from the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research (BISSR) that was published in November 2023. The findings of the BISSR research are wide ranging and complex, with actions required at national, local and school level, which will be set out within the Joint Action Plan on Relationships and Behaviour. The ASL Project Board will consider the actions in relation to additional support for learning as a next step and will discuss and agree on how we can take forward these actions, to support the delivery of our work.



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