
Additional Support for Learning review - action plan: third progress report

Progress report from the Scottish Government and COSLA providing an update on work undertaken since November 2022 and summarising the actions to be taken to deliver the recommendations from the review of implementation of additional support for learning.


This 3rd Progress Report sets out the work of the ASL Project Board and delivery of the ASL Action Plan, to address the challenges in the system. This work has continued at a steady and consistent pace since we set out our commitment and associated measures to implement the recommendations of the Morgan Review in October 2020. We recognise that there are some concerns in the system about the pace of delivery, and growth in the complexity of need. However, Angela Morgan was very clear that her recommendations were not a quick fix and that cultural change to deliver improvements in ASL implementation, and to ensure meaningful change for children and young people, will take time.

The ASL Project Board has regular opportunities to consider emerging needs and the evolving education landscape, in the context of ASL policy and the delivery of the Action Plan. This is critical to ensure that progress towards implementation of the ASL Action Plan, and the actions that we take, are relevant and respond to needs of children and young people, parents and carers and the wider education system. Since October 2020, 40 of the 76 actions have been completed and whilst there is still much to do to deliver the remaining actions by the end of this parliamentary term, we are fully committed to achieving this. In broad terms, there are three priority areas of focus for the ASL Project Board over the next 18-months, which will support the delivery of the remaining actions set out in the ASL Action Plan:

1. Communication

2. National Measurement Framework

3. Refresh of the Code of Practice

The ASL Project Board and the ASL Network will continue to meet over the next 18-months to ensure delivery of the remaining actions in the ASL Action Plan and to ensure that the positive impact of this work is demonstrated. The next Progress Report will be published in March 2026.



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