Additional Support for Learning review - action plan: third progress report
Progress report from the Scottish Government and COSLA providing an update on work undertaken since November 2022 and summarising the actions to be taken to deliver the recommendations from the review of implementation of additional support for learning.
Annex A: Additional Support for Learning Policy Map
Additional Support for Learning Policy Map (text version)
Additional Support for Learning Policy in Schools
- Care Experienced Children and Young People
- Children and Young People from Armed Forces background
- Children and Young People with Sensory Impairments
- Gypsy Traveller Children and Young People
- Dispute Resolution
- Neurodiversity
- Children and Young People with Complex Needs
- Educational Psychology
- Physical Intervention in Schools
Health and Wellbeing in Schools Policy
- Food, Nutrition and Clothing
- Relationships and Behaviour in Schools
- Healthcare Needs in School
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Early Language Development
- Attendance and Exclusion
Overarching policies
- Inclusion / Mainstreaming
- The Promise
- Children’s Rights and UNCRC
- Curriculum for Excellence
Connected Scottish Government policies and workstreams
- Independent Review of Adult Social Care
- Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill
- National Care Service
- National Transitions Strategy
- See Hear Strategy
- BSL National Plan
- Education Workforce Policy
- Education Reform
- Independent Audiology Review
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Policy (AAC) for Children and Young People
- Early Learning and Childcare Workforce and Policy
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Delivery Plan
Delivery Partners
- Education Scotland
- Education Authorities
- Grant in Aid Schools
- National Centres
- National Advocacy Service
- My Rights, My Say
- Enquire
- Inclusion Ambassadors
- Additional Support Needs Tribunal for Scotland
- Childrens’ Services
- Third Sector
- NHS Services for Children and Young People
- ASL Action Plan
- ASL Action Plan Project Board
- The Promise Action Plan
- The Promise Oversight Board
- Doran Project Board
- National Improvement Framework
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