
Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group: year 1 report - October 2021

A progress report from the Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group summarising the group's perspective on progress made against the actions set out in the Additional Support for Learning Action Plan.

2. ASLIG Activity

To date, the group has met formally once in advance of the publication of the Independently Chaired Review, and 6 times since its publication, with all meetings post publication held virtually due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic:

Pre publication:

January 28 2020

In person - to confirm roles and ToR of the new ASLIG group to prepare for the publication of the Independently Chaired Review of ASL.

Post publication:

July 21 2020

Via Teams - to consider initial Group response to the ASL Independently Chaired Review and to recommend it to the Scottish Government and COSLA.

September 24 2020

Via Teams - to consider work completed by ADES towards mapping a new Measurement Framework and recommendation on developing approach to recognising wider achievement of learners with additional support needs

December 9 2020

Via Teams

  • To agree governance process for ASLIG decision making and recommendations to Scottish Education Council.
  • Agree the scoping of a new National Measurement Framework for the achievements of learners with additional support needs (this was subsequently shared with the National Autism Implementation Team (NAIT) as a critical friend).
  • Consider and comment on Education Recovery work for learners with additional support needs .

January 18 2021

Via Teams - to comment on supplementary COVID-19 guidance for children and young people with complex additional support needs

April 26 2021

Via Teams

  • To consider new vision statement for success for learners with additional support needs , produced by the Inclusion Ambassadors.
  • Approve the programme management plan (Outcomes Framework) to track outcomes against the recommendations of the Independent Review.
  • Agreed that NAIT will now take forward the development of the National Measurement Framework.

In addition to the above, the Group met informally in February/March 2021, and again over the summer of 2021 to receive updates on the progress on the Measurement Framework from NAIT, and to welcome a new representative from Social Work Scotland to the Group.

It has also met informally a number of times to develop this report.

Communications and engagement

Following the Scottish Parliamentary Elections in May 2021, a new Cabinet Secretary for Education has been appointed. ASLIG have yet to meet with Ms Somerville; the Group is keen to meet with the Cabinet Secretary to discuss progress / priorities.

The Chair of ASLIG met with the new Deputy Director of Improvement, Attainment and Wellbeing Division in the Learning Directorate in June 2021.

A communications and engagement sub group was also convened during the summer of 2021, chaired by Children in Scotland, to progress this workstream.

The Independently Chaired Review recognised that many parents have lost trust and confidence in the ASL system. A key principle of our work is communications and engagement, and in being transparent.

The Group has an enhanced web presence, which contains minutes of all ASLIG meetings since January 2020.

As we emerge from the pandemic, the Group has plans to issue a regular newsletter on its work, which will be accessible to parents, young people and multi-agency professionals. ASLIG is actively considering additional ways to ensure communications and engagement with stakeholders.



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